Ethereum Wallet Syncing Problems

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One of the most common problems with the Ethereum Wallet application is keeping the blockchain in sync with the Ethereum network. This page describes some of the common ethereums fastsync nodes users may encounter while trying to sync the blockchain and potential methods to work around the problems. Note that Ethereum Wallet will not display your account balance correctly when it is not synced fully or correctly. Check that your the clock on your computer is close ethereums fastsync nodes real time.

You may be encountering some problems syncing Ethereum Wallet or Mist to the Mainnet blockchain. The syncing also slows down between blocks 2, and 2, due to the state clearing process to remove the 20 million empty accounts created by the network attack. If you have a problem with slow syncing, the easiest way to recover from this slowdown is to remove your blockchain data and restart Ethereum Wallet.

Ethereum Wallet will then perform a fast sync which skips over these attack blocks. Make ethereums fastsync nodes you back up your keystore directory so you don't accidentally delete your account information. It should now start fast syncing the blockchain data. Alternatively, run geth --syncmode "fast" --cache console and then start Ethereum Wallet. Refer to Ethereums fastsync nodes Ports, Files And Directories for more information on the location of Ethereum software files and directories on your computer.

Compare your logging messages with the following logging messages to determine whethere your node client is fast syncing or normal syncing.

And following is the equivalent geth 1. The blocks will sync in batches, and when your blockchain data is up to date, single blocks are received approximately every 14 seconds:. You can use Parity and start the Parity syncing using the following command line parameter for ethereums fastsync nodes reasonably quick sync:. You can access the Parity user interface by navigating in your browser to http: You can use Parity as a back end to Ethereum Wallet.

Start Parity with the following command line. Retrieved from " https: Navigation menu Personal tools Log in. Views Read View source View history. This page was last modified on 24 Julyat Content is available under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.

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Only top voted, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Tag Info users hot new synonyms. Hot answers tagged fast-sync day week month year all. I'll take my shot. Experts, please correct me. Gets the block headers, the block bodies, and validates every element from genesis block. Then it gets a snapshot state and goes like a full synchronization. Herman Junge 1, 1 8 There's a lot of detail on this PR on github.

Instead of processing the entire block-chain one link at a time, and replay all transactions that ever happened in history, fast syncing downloads the transaction receipts along the blocks, and pulls an entire recent state database. Geth node starts to sync from the beginning after fast sync. The message you should see on your console when --fast syncing has completed is "fast sync complete, auto disabling" as shown below: The Officious BokkyPooBah As --fast is often the only thing associated with a fast sync, don't forget --cache too.

From the Homestead Guide: Below are some flags to use when you want to sync your client more quickly. This will also reduce the size of your What is the parity light pruning mode? I made many benchs because i find it so long just to use a Wallet. The pruning mode is how the block data are saved. With the archive mode, all states are saved.

So, you know the state at each moment without to reload all the blockchain. With fast and light, we Ellis 1, 7 How much faster is it to sync with --jitvm? When there is a high latency, it removes agressively the peer connection.

It's difficult to give an answer without just re-hashing the explanation on the Parity wiki The pertinent part is as follows: These snapshots can be used to quickly get a full copy of the state at a given block.

Every 30, blocks, nodes will take a consensus-critical snapshot of that block's state. Any node can fetch these snapshots over the How can I empty the blockchain? To remove your blockchain with geth, run: If you are starting from the beginning, use: Astad 2 9.

Why is my ether balance 0 in geth, even though the sync is nearly complete? Try querying the balance again after eth. An excerpt from karalabe's explanation why: This trie data structure is an With each block state contracts storage and balances is changing. By default archive we keep in database full state of every block. With different pruning algorithms we are ditching state data for old blocks maintaing only the parts that are needed.

The default datadir is: You can change the mode using the --syncmode parameter. Nicolas Massart 4, 12 Is there a dynamic pruning in geth --fast? So if you want spare disk, remove your blockchain with geth removedb and do a --fast again. Will I be able to get past contract events through rpc if I use geth --fast? But you won't get the debug. Here is the chaindata size from my fast synced blockchain: If you have your blockchain partially or fully imported while starting geth, then using the --fast flag is ignored the flag is disabled.

To use the --fast flag you have to remove all of the data from your chaindata folder. Imported new state entries Those are the number of "state entries", rather than blocks themselves. You can think of them as items in Ethereum's state database.

Each block can contain many transactions. Geth Fast is running for hours. If you restart geth after initial start, --fast doesn't work anymore it only works starting from scratch. If you have an SSD, it's expected to take h. If you have a spinning HDD, it might take days so i wouldn't recommend it. Try adding --cache or --cache The root of the problem was the linux systemd or my poor knowledge of it. I was running geth as systemd daemon, but with systemctl --user enable geth.

Now, when systemd is used as per-user daemon, it kills the daemons associated to a certain user, when that user logs out. For this reason, always when I logged out El Sampsa 1 9.

Is geth --fast really one time thing? Maybe you can remove your blockchain with geth removedb and do a --fast again. If not faster, it will for sure spare some diskspace. Worth a try I think. It could be interesting if you are more than blocks late, because --fast takes a pivot at minus blocks from now and then downloads all the blocks from there and only headers of the How do I manually configure the geth fast sync pivot block?

Summary I downloaded the geth source, modified the source code to specify the fast sync pivot block, compiled the code, removed the old chaindata and started the fast syncing. Once this is complete, I'll be back to running the regular geth binaries.

There were a few different errors with my hack that prevented the blockchain I did a few bench by myself and found as well that there is no significant impact of --jitvm. And I agree that geth 1. If your Mac has a regular hard drive as opposed to SSD , it will definitely take a very long time.

If you can't get a computer with an SSD, one thing I found that helped was this: When you start geth use the --verbosity flag with a value of 5. This will spit out tons of text. It won't speed up your sync, but it will help you to understand that the node is Thomas Jay Rush 5, 1 12 As you stated, if no peers are discovered, there is nothing to download.

I suppose you are connected to the mainnet. It should discover peers automatically, but if it doesn't, you can add peers manually with admin. To find a bootnode, you can check the list of peers here. Can I safely interrupt and restart fast sync in geth? Yes, you can restart a syncing the chain with the --fast flag as many times as you like but you have to ensure that it is used every single time. When you synced only for a few seconds without the fast flag, you cannot restart it in fast mode well you can but it will get auto-switched off.

Validity Labs - Sebastian 4, 16 Why did the Fast sync stop at 2. The Ethereum Blockchain was attacked using a computational Denial-of-Service attack. This affects blocks 2. How to tell where in blockchain you currently are while syncing? You can know the latest block your node has processed by: If you are already running geth, you can open another command Prashant Prabhakar Singh 3, 3 12 It just depends on how many peers you get.