Blockstream Introduces Micropayments Processing for Bitcoin Apps

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The basic idea is to protect content against free viewing in an extension of the idea of simple DRM. While the logistics are still to be fully detailed, one of the proposals is to use a Bitcoin-like payment system to enables people to pay artists directly for access to their content. Muddiman is keen to help find a way to ensure that content creators get paid for their work, saying "Theft is theft. There is no difference between stealing digital content and stealing from a shop, other than, at present, it's easier.

It's an micropayments bitcoin news that has been toyed with before, but it now seems that great strides have been made both in micropayments bitcoin news of development and support. There has been a long-running argument that the scales are currently tipped too far in favor of content consumers at micropayments bitcoin news moment. Ease of access to online content and the popularity of torrent sites means that an entire generation has become used to the idea of gaining access to just about anything free of charge; a complete mindshift will be needed to turn things around.

Muddiman points to the unfair way in which revenue is currently shared with artists:. While it can be argued that YouTube has provided more people with a way to monetize content, there is plenty of scope for better deals to be struck. Any solution micropayments bitcoin news is proposed micropayments bitcoin news need to minimize the burden on individuals, sites, and ISPs if it to be successfully adopted, but few people would argue that the time has come for things to change. Could Bitcoin-powered micro-payments help reduce piracy and ensure artists get paid?

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