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And never told me before. It is clearly not perfect. The first motivation to use Twitter is because I need bookmarks. Rules on Twitter are simple, you need to create an account, on http:. Did I miss something interesting? Algorithms may select some people for government audits, while leaving others to find themselves undergoing gratuitous and degrading airport screening.

It is not like posting an anonymous comment on some scientific blog actually, several blogs do not have open comments any more. People on Twitter try also — sometimes — to have fun, following some hastagssuch as, overlyhonestmethods a few weeks ago, e. But I did waste quite some time, and some bad nights and insomnia, too. With moderation, Twitter is a great tool. But when I look back at the past four or five years, I might feel ashamed not to have more prestigious somehow publications, lectures notes without typos everywhere, but at least, the blog is something I am still proud of, sort of.

I speak from experience. But again, I spend a lot of time in this process. I got a lot of tweets with questions following that tweet but I did not answer them, I shared the graph, I did not create it. But if not everyone is on Twitter, important people are. Live-Tweet in Conferences Another popular use among academics is to use Twitter for live-tweets, see e.

If you want to share the answer with everyone, the tweet should start with a dot. On Twitter, we have to deal with the character constraint, which makes it hard. Of course, it is not that simple. Because I would spend hours on Twitter! I do not discuss the quality here, simply the fact that, indeed, not everyone is willing to go on Twitter. At least, in Economics. You will become my follower of course, if I find your tweets interesting, I might follow you back.

I believe that a similar algorithm is used in the https: In a competitive job market, employers want more information about the candidates they are considering for jobs. Korea Real satellite picture, taken above Korea via https:. But from a technical point of view, with the character rule, it can be complex. The officers in my seminars spent a quarter of their careers in education, because the US military believes in life-long learning.

On Twitter, you can comment, even briefly discuss a publication, some tricks on computer codes, share graphical visualization, etc. Bitcoin challenge mon robot trader me fait perdre de largent And never told me before.

Rules on Twitter are simple, you need to create an account, on http: Korea Real satellite picture, taken above Korea via https: