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This site works best with JavaScript enabled. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. You can merge your accounts by clicking here. Dominaria Retrospective by Mark Winters. Magic Market Index for May 3rd, All Sets Are Good: It can pull-off some turn 3 wins too.
Running into permission and spot removal can disrupt our plan, but the deck is quite resilient we have multiple combo pieces and loads of fun to pilot. Piloting has a low entry difficulty, but intricate situations can arise, depending on the exact built. Builts can either focus on an all-in plan or also be able to deal some damage as a secondary out. A typical decklist should contain the following; 8 Bounce enablers the only ones printed Untappers we need to survive hate Win Conditions Hand Smithers i.
Not much to say here. Mirran Spy - This is the best "untapper", as it can allow other creatures to perform the untapping on its stead. Therefore, it makes spot removal less effective against us and allows us to win the game the turn it comes into play. It only becomes somewhat weak if on a damage side-plan, but it can efficiently block a lot of creatures of the faster decks, such as Gobling Guide and affinity's small creatures.
Battered Golem - The untapper that's the easiest to cast colorless mana, duh. However, it is vulnerable against all affinity hate cards, such as Ancient Grudge and Stony Silence incapable of bouncing, as it is an activated ability. It is even hurt by Torpor Orb when utilizing Ornithopter or Memnite. The 2 toughness can prove relevant against Pyroclasm if playing Mizzium Skin. Nettle Drone thanks to cccccc - Drone requires red mana and this can be tricky on a budget manabase.
However, it can double as a win condition and this can prove important. Also, in multiples or together with Mirran Spy or Molten Nursery , it can make the damage plan viable. NEVER play this together with Memnite , as Electrolyze in response to a bounce enabler is 4-for-1 we may still recover from 3-for-1, but 4-for-1 is impossible against controlish decks.
Altar of the Brood - This is the most efficient and fast win condition mana-wise; it cost only a colorless and can be played on earlier turns, when we do nothing else. It also works around player hexproof, such as Leyline of Sanctity and this can be important, as it gives an out in all situations. After sideboard, Ancient Grudge can really be a problem, as it can be flashed back after milled. Altar requires Tormod's Crypt to work more effectively, so as to not inadvertly boost graveyard-based strategies.
At least one copy should always be present in the main it can be tutored with Riddlesmith when comboing. Keep in mind that it is close to impossible to have a mill win without the combo, even with 4 copies, so if you need a backup plan you should focus on a damage one. Grapeshot - Besides winning the game, it can also control the early board with some free 0-CMC artifact casts. Without information on your hand, the opponent is most likely to misplay against it especially if they have Mana Leak.
The fact that it can win with only 3 mana available on turn 4 is also not negligible in builds with few mana accelerators. Molten Nursery thanks to lordmanimani - Is superior to grapeshot in that it can BOTH control some aggro early boards and provide the kill later on.
However, it requires one more mana to play, so it needs more mana accelerators to work well. Nettle Drone see untappers - As a win condition, it must come into play a turn prior to the kill, so it's a bit less efficient. You should generally count it as half a win condition. Elusive Spellfist thanks to lordmanimani - A turn slower than other win conditions. However, it can make the damage plan more consistent.
Riddlesmith - It can find any other win condition, selecting the best one for the current situation. When restricted on mana, we can find Altar of the Brood while comboing. Riddlesmith see win conditions This is the best card we can put in the deck, as it can also work both as a win condition and it turns all 0-CMC artifacts into loot spells. It can also work towards the damage plan if needed or as a chump blocker to stall it trades well with a lot of early creatures.
Ideas Unbound - Digs deep into our deck. This card is tricky to play with and requires a lot of experience with each particular build to be able to estimate when to cast or wait on it. It has the advantage that it can fill our hand until end of turn to be able to find additional pieces. Izzet Charm It also serves as protection and can gain time against early creatures, but the mana cost is a bit ambitious - especially on the comboing turn if there is a single blue mana source.
Repeal thank to lordmanimani - This is an interesting idea, as at worst it becomes a cantrip with additional bounce value with all our 0-CMC artifacts.
It can replace up to two 0-CMC artifacts, as long as there remain at least 8 others. Like Izzet Charm , the ability to stall is valuable it can also bounce a chumping Ornithopter and the synergy with Riddlesmith if really good.
Anticipate thanks to Torpf - Digs as deep as Ideas Unbound , but without the card disadvantage. Unfortunately, it does little towards replacing useless cards mostly lands or redundant pieces in hand. Courier's Capsule - Synergizes both with Riddlesmith and with the mana acceleration aspect of the deck especially Paradise Mantle on an "untapper".
It requires a lot of mana, but they are splittable. Thus, as many as three copies can be Ok in any build. Skyscribing - A great 1-of in the deck. Besides the constant forecast digging, it can also work as a win condition if we come across an infinite mana scenario with Paradise Mantle ; if the opponent has less cards in the deck, then we can immediately win, otherwise we can draw our deck and then cast a win condition for this reason, we should play at least one copy of Grapeshot when playing this.
Train of Thought - Similar to Skyscribing , but it is not repeatable and we will almost never cast it for more than 2 draw, thus being worse than Courier's Capsule. In case we have two "untappers" on the board, a bouncing effect allows us to generate infinite mana.
More importantly, combined with an "untapper", turns all our 0-CMC artifact into mana-producers and allows free castings of Altar of the Brood. Our fastest plays are quite complex and utilize an equipped creature that generates mana from 0-CMC artifacts through Mirran Spy to combo-off the turn the Spy is played.
We may also encounter the situation where we produce extra mana to cast Ideas Unbound and then proceed with the combo. There are a lot of situations even mid-combo with Riddlesmith where the mantle's ability becomes relevant too. For decks with 5 or less 0-CMC artifact creatures, don't include more than 2 copies, as they can sit there uselessly.
Mind Stone - Both an accelerator and a draw spell. It even replaces itself if you draw a lot of lands which would be a dead draw and synergizes with Riddlesmith. On builds that have 1-CMC instant protection spells, Mind Stone becomes even more important, as we can cast an "untapper" on turn 3 with protection up. Etherium Sculptor - In builds that focus on full playsets of Battered Golem , this can prove usefull, especially, as it allows Mind Stone to be treaded as 0-CMC artifact for the purposes of the combo.
There are lots of 0-CMC artifacts that could be of use, but I will present those I deem most relevant for game plans. Tormod's Crypt - Ensures Altar of the Brood can win against cards that return to the library. It also stops all graveyard-based combos storm, melira, grisenbrand , buying time for our own combo.
Memnite - Similar to Ornithopter , but it can be pinged and this can be relevant. It is also less efficient as a chump blocker it can't chump fliers , but it is better on the damage plan. Paradise Mantle see mana accelerators Everflowing Chalice see mana accelerators. Dispel - Counters most spot removal in modern and can definitely protect us the turn we go off. It can also delay CoCo decks. Mizzium Skin - Can also save our creatures if chumping, or against Pyroclasm.
It also saves Mirran Spy against Anger of the Gods. Swan Song maybe the best counterspell for combo. It is not budget-friendly though. However, most removal in modern is reactive i. Veilstone Amulet - A very interesting piece of protection. It dies to artifact hate post-board, but it can prove valuable against control. It is also protection against Abrupt Decay. I think its home is in builds utilizing Anticipate or Repeal , but it can also be used in regular ones if you want to go low on protection spells, with 2 copies being enough.
To sequence correctly the combo turn with amulet on the board, you must FIRST play a 0-CMC artifact; if they don't respond, you proceed to combo-off with hexproof, otherwise you cast the "bounce enabler" in response to their removal to fizzle it.
Spellskite - Another Non-Budget option. Hoses all spot-removal, can chump and makes burn a favorable matchup. I think it's the best protection if you can afford it, as it is also an artifact and synergizes with Riddlesmith.
Shimmer Myr - Can work well if you can't afford Skite, as you can combo-off in response to your opponent trying to destroy your combo. Needs at least 6 mana accelerators in a deck to work well though. Last edited by maniospas: Rollback Post to Revision RollBack. My decks in Modern: GW Copycat Jund Loam.
Update Added extended analysis on card selection and choices, closer to a primer. I feel like the best protection is probably Spellskite , but that's not exactly a budget plan. Might be worth it if this turns out to be good enough to spend money on. Swiftfoot Boots is budget and it can accelerate your combo under certain circumstances. Lightning Greaves would be a sweet card for this deck in tandem with Battered Golem.