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Information on these compounds has been sparse in the public domain, mostly originating from a dissident Russian military chemist, Vil Mirzayanov. No independent confirmation of the structures or the properties of such compounds has been published. Royal Society of Chemistry. Yet now, the British Government is claiming to be able instantly to identify a substance which its only biological weapons research centre has never seen before and was unsure of its existence.

Worse, it claims to be able not only to identify it, but to pinpoint its origin. Russa has — unreported by the corporate media — entered a demand at the OPCW that Britain submit a sample of the Salisbury material for international analysis. But that is also demonstrably untrue.

If they exist at all, Novichoks were allegedly designed to be able to be made at bench level in any commercial chemical facility — that was a major point of them. The only real evidence for the existence schmidt gbr handel mit bitcoins euro money binaeres handeln Novichoks was the testimony of the ex-Soviet scientist Mizayanov.

And this is what Mirzayanov actually wrote. One should be mindful that the chemical components or precursors of A or its binary version novichok-5 are ordinary organophosphates that can be made at commercial chemical companies that manufacture such products as fertilizers and pesticides.

Problems and Prospects, Stimson Report No. It is a scientific impossibility for Porton Down to have schmidt gbr handel mit bitcoins euro money binaeres handeln able to test for Russian novichoks if they have never possessed a Russian sample schmidt gbr handel mit bitcoins euro money binaeres handeln compare them to.

They can analyse a sample as conforming to a Mirzayanov formula, but as he published those to the world twenty years schmidt gbr handel mit bitcoins euro money binaeres handeln, that is no proof of Russian origin.

If Porton Down can synthesise it, so schmidt gbr handel mit bitcoins euro money binaeres handeln many others, not just the Russians.

And finally — Mirzayanov is an Uzbek name and the novichok programme, assuming it existed, was in the Soviet Union but far away from modern Russia, at Nukus in modern Uzbekistan.

I have visited the Nukus chemical weapons site myself. It was dismantled and made safe and all the stocks destroyed and the equipment removed by the American government, as I recall finishing while I was Ambassador there. The Americans dismantled and studied the facility that allegedly developed them. It is completely untrue only the Russians could make them, if anybody can. Its legacy was inherited by the Americans during their alliance with Karimov, not by the Russians.

May represent not the people of the uk!!! My question is why novichok? Two people one with a record of being a double agent are dead and the line of how is easily disproved.

Yet that makes the entire reason unreasonable schmidt gbr handel mit bitcoins euro money binaeres handeln Skripal was not a threat unless the British themselves came to that conclusion considering his connection to Christopher Steele.

These people are not dead, just in a serious condition,although nobody has seen them, in hospital and no Photos. My posting this morning may give some answers. With about 32, potential jihadist in the UK, one has to wonder why blame the Russians about poison chemicals when they got plenty of would be jihadist who may just have done the job.

This document can be downloaded from: You also seem to have difficultly understanding basic English. The information from Mirzayanov will have been available to US allies like the UK, and he will have known the compounds structure.

No independent confirmation means just that, but it does not negate the fact that one of the scientists that worked on novichok reported enough details of it for scientists from Porton Down to be able to identify it. How did they track the source? Is it not a bit absurd from the government to just speculate or point hands without hard evidence.

Several days ago two Russian reporters, one working for Reuters and Opendemocracy. We learn that doses ot the stuff got into the hands of criminals i the chaotic s. The fellow who poisoned the bankier Kivelidi got away. Some some say he flew to the U. He may have brought samples to cheer up the Americans, who knows. Other criminals may have sold it to foreigners, also.

According the bio published in Guardian, he was at one point helped out by fanatical Russia-hater Soros, and may well be in the pocket of the billionaire…like many others. I live in London and wrote the following a week ago: In France, four people actually died but because of some odd political protocol, they are not worthy of the same symbolic value. I welcome any thoughts on this. Why then are western countries so eager to support the UK [obvious] claim that they have the evidence and Russia is the guilty nation.

Why are nations treating Russia like a leper colony? The nations that are supporting the UK narrative are pretty much all nato states, and are simply marching in lock step for political and strategic reasons. Even yesterday the US spokesperson admitted that the US has seen absolutely no evidence to support the tory version of events, but is simply accepting that the UK has evidence. After having established that poisoning with a deadly substance really took place place, they probably would have compiled a list of suspects, somewhat like the one below: Or the daughter got contaminated by trying to stop the father, or by hugging him at the wrong moment.

Something along those lines. Skripal was in bad health already 20 years ago, he may have felt he was dying anyway. The daughter may have felt she had lost everything: They could have found that Skripal had contacted Russian diplomats to get permission to return to Russia, in their eyes threatening to become a triple agent or will it be quadruple? They remembered how the Litvinenko case had been a smashing hit in terms of anti-Russian propaganda, and decided to stage something similar.

They have lived in fear and horror after a US president was elected, who had promised cooperation with Russia instead of confrontation…. Both have also been terrified by the mentioned Trump agenda. The present government is now likely celebrating wildly, also because the grotesque Savchenko case is being overshadowed in the Western news reporting. Russian groups, consisting of people hating Skripal for his betrayal, or for other reason.

Our independent investigators would search assistance from the Russian Government, since. The Polish Defense Minister!

The smart, very senior investigators would probably invite several experienced retired diplomats from countries like China, Finland,Argentina to hear their opinion, make suggestions. You want a good advice?

Ask 3 old men. I see the latest mainstream news is stating that the nerve agent was on their home door handle, which raises schmidt gbr handel mit bitcoins euro money binaeres handeln question of why they were not incapacitated at the house as it is supposedly a quick acting agent?

What else the stupid Auther of this article has to say now. What else is going on behind closed doors? And now that both DS Nick Bailey? Australian Ambassador, year diplomat Tony Kevin given an opportunity to place the Novichok campaign and expulsion of diplomats etc.

The whole picture is very very Sinister! Can almost be considered a support to Russia, and Russian diplomats will understand this immediately. Expelling 4 diplomats by really big countries like Germany and France?

Essentially the same thing. Expelling 0 diplomats a few countries is an almost devastating blow to May, and must be seen as a serious reproach, because it means that they found it necessary to stand up against the pressure from you-know-who and from the majority of other countries, now feeling their hypocrisy and cowardice?

Mirzayanov was from Tatarstan, from a lapsed Muslim family. Inwhile Obama admin was flirting with Tatarstan dissidents, Mirzayanov proclaimed himself as President of an independent Tatarstan. Just wondering did Porton Down[now that they have confirmed that they could not trace it to Russia]actually identify the nerve agent as a novichok and which one?

Why are these seriously heavy duty means being used to kill people. Plutonium and now this[then the umbrella]. How are assassinations usually carried out[seriously weird question]? Are there a lot of them? There is no comparison with the wmd saga and invasion of iraq, and to portray it as such is as big an untruth as any being told by the government.

Kicking out a few diplomats is a reasonable coarse of action without proof. Innocent until proven guilty is not applicable or appropriate in this case. Bare in mInd that many of those asked to pack their bags are suspected unproven spies. Whilst no doubt this is schmidt gbr handel mit bitcoins euro money binaeres handeln for the families, this is a reality that every diplomat signs up for. Russia, should not be involved in the investigation — the British police are best suited to do the investigation without political schmidt gbr handel mit bitcoins euro money binaeres handeln foreign interference.

They may never come to any conclusion, especially as this hit seems to have been done professionally, but that is not a requirement. The lack of a solved case does not mean the government should not take measured steps such as expelling diplomats. Fortunately, neither the uk or Russia is good at keeping state secrets, so in perhaps 20 years someone will eventually spill the beans. Perhaps, it would be better if the government would just say there is a reasonable possibility that the Russians perpetrated this crime so we have decided to expel a few diplomats, and perhaps putin instead of pretending that this is unreasonable would just concede that this was to be expected, but obviously they also need to expel a few of ours to make it equal.

There is huge exaggeration on all sides, not least from this website. Politicians clamouring for war and doing their deceitful best to distract. Mainstream media maintains manipulation of mediocre minds.

Black, Robin Black. Royal Society of Chemistry Yet now, the British Government is claiming to be able instantly to identify a substance which its only biological weapons research centre has never seen before and was unsure of its existence. With a great many thanks to sources who cannot be named at this moment. Please Also Read My follow-up to this article: EVEN the shepherds now the truth.

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