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Rentalutions is the first online property management company in the world to allow tenants to pay rent with bitcoins. Bitcoins are becoming more popular every day and tenants should be able to pay rent this way. Bitcoin is an online currency that is the electronic equivalent of cash. The currency is growing in popularity and is being accepted by more businesses every day.
In August , a Federal Judge in the Eastern District of Texas ruled that bitcoins are "a currency or a form of money".
This ruling paves the way for greater regulation and adoption among individuals and businesses. To learn more about bitcoin and its background, we recommend checking out the bitcoin Wikipedia page. We believe tenants should have bitcoin as an option for paying rent. We don't want this to happen to our tenants. As bitcoins become even more popular, tenants will look for landlords who allow bitcoins.
We make it easy for them to do so. They can receive rent in bitcoins if they choose to. Otherwise, they will continue receiving USD. There is a small processing fee that will be assessed to bitcoin payments. Contact us for details or to schedule your bitcoin rent payment. Next week, we will update our company's name, logo, and colors.
Rentalutions Allows Bitcoin Payments. Bitcoin offers the easiest, fastest and safest way to pay rent Rent payments with bitcoins will never bounce Bitcoins are growing in popularity - we expect tenants to use this feature immediately Landlords will have the option of receiving payments in bitcoin or in US dollars.
About Bitcoin Bitcoin is an online currency that is the electronic equivalent of cash. Why is Rentalutions allowing rent payments with bitcoins? What caused Rentalutions to do this? Do landlords have to accept bitcoins? Is there a cost to paying rent in bitcoin? Ready to sign up? In less than 2 minutes you can have better renters.