Lego Mindstorms NXT

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We tested the sensors and motors in the context of a semester thesis. Afterwards we designed and programmed an own robot that explores an unknown room and stores a map of this room in the Targa TGA image format. The semester thesis is divided into following subsections: Report on experiences and knowledge gained during work.

The first step on our list of tasks was to get a profound understanding of NXT's sensors and motors. Of primary interest was the ultrasonic sensor being the only one using digital communication with its own built-in micro-controller. Despite its generally high accuracy, the sensor seems to have some weak points when measuring certain distances.

The remaining sensors were tested as well, although not as extensively as the ultrasonic, the results are shown in printer bot lego mindstorms nxt 2.0 programming software download following subsections. In the end we took a closer look a the revised motors, now including rotation sensors. Following Parts of the NXT kit have been tested as part of the semester thesis: To get an idea of the ultrasonic sensor's accuracy and its rounding behavior we examined the sensors behavior towards objects within small distances.

The Object we used was a small cardboard box Distances smaller than 3 cm can not be measured. The biggest deviance of 2. The sensors mean deviance of 0. The printer bot lego mindstorms nxt 2.0 programming software download tests purpose was to gain knowledge of the sensors field of vision.

The same box as in the first test was used It was moved to different distances and angles relative to the ultrasonic sensor while noting the resulting distance readouts. The sensor was placed in horizontal as well as in vertical position, Figure 1. The results show that the ultrasonic sensor should always be placed in horizontal position, other positions decrease as well the field of vision as the sighting distance of the sensor. The sensor seems to be a bit 'blind' on the left eye, which can be explained printer bot lego mindstorms nxt 2.0 programming software download the fact that the left eye is actually the receiver of the ultrasonic wave while the right eye is the sender.

After these experiments on statical behavior of the ultrasonic sensor we moved on to some dynamic tests. The diagram in Figure 1. The data for this diagram was gained by writing a program in LEGO software based on LabView that stored the current ultrasonic value along with the current printer bot lego mindstorms nxt 2.0 programming software download of one of the moving motors we used the TriBot model into a file on the NXT brick.

This file was then downloaded an processed. The dynamic test revealed two weaknesses of the ultrasonic sensor.

The first issue is that it showed some areas where the sensor tends to measure cm instead of the actual distance. The second even more important issue is the critical area in between 25 cm and 50 cm where the sensor has a high probability of returning the wrong value of 48 cm. The primary goal concerning the light sensor was to see to what amount it is able to distinguish different colors.

The measurements where done in the sensor's reflected light mode. The results show that the sensor readout depends on the distance of the measured object, which makes it difficult to generally assign certain colors to sensor values. The touch sensor has been examined towards the force needed to close the touch circuit. Adding weights to the vertical positioned sensor showed that at 34 grams the appears as touched.

So in general a force of 0. The motor has been tested towards its linearity between power and rotation speed. A very rudimentary perl script that is able to download a file from the brick has been elaborated and is available in the Thesis Results section.

The perl script uses the Win As part of the thesis we had to plan and conduct a project. The goal of the project was to build a fancy robot that uses the capabilities of the new "LEGO Mindstorms NXT" generation to the limits of the included sensors and motors. We decided to go for a map building robot that can explore any given room, hence the name Explorer. The project is divided into following subsections: The walls of the unknown room should be aligned in more or less regular angle to each other.

As concluded by J. Map building Motion planning Collision avoidance Localization These tasks have been implemented separately and in the given order but for the localization function omitted because of lack of time. The program was elaborated through foollowing stages: Explorer 1, Explorer 2 and Explorer 3. A robot deemed fit for the needed printer bot lego mindstorms nxt 2.0 programming software download was constructed.

The robot then travels forward 5 cm and repeats the first step and so on. Motion planning Collision avoidance Start positioning The main idea here was to explore the room in a clockwise direction by always following the wall on the left side. Once the robot reaches the position it originated from the program stops.

The result we achieved with our Explorer project was satisfying. It got worse tough, the lower the batteries got. The thesis and its Powerpoint summary are written in German and are available for download. Further below are the source code and binary of the explorer project, followed by the perl script to communicate with the NXT brick.

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It could be hard to get the Sudoku Solver working. I have received emails from people who have built it but failed to make it work. So the software should be considered as a base for your own adjustments and tweakings which is very time consuming. Now I have warned you! Connect one of the 35 cm cable to the light sensor.

The cable should run between the beams attached to the motor. Do this before step 55 of the building instructions.

The most crucial part of the robot is the position of the light sensor. It should be positioned approximately 1 mm above the surface. A plastic card should just fit under the sensor without touching it. The files should be downloadable to the brick using the lego mindstorms software:. You don't need the source code unless you want to modify it or if you are just curious.

It could be viewed in notepad. Download - Sudoku Solver Note 1: Do this before step 55 of the building instructions Connect the wiring as follows: A plastic card should just fit under the sensor without touching it Attach a soft tip pen with rubber bands.

I used a Stabilo Pen 68 Downloading files to the brick Unzip sudokusolver. The files should be downloadable to the brick using the lego mindstorms software: Delete other program files and sound files etc to make room. Update the NXT Firmware. I'm using NXT Firmware 1. Running Sudoku Solver Print the sudoku pdf. Note that it must have the original size. Maybe you have to adjust the printer properties to avoid scaling or zooming.

Tape one of the sudoku sheet to the surface. If you are using the empty grid and write the digits yourself, make sure the to write them with the same size as the digits of the printed sheets.

Adjust the height of the pen so that it touches the paper when the pen elevator is in it's lowest position. The pen should be set in upper position before starting the program. Place the robot so that the wheels fits inside the squares. It's important that the robot is well centered sideways and aligned with the sudoku puzzle.

The program starts with lowering the pen and drawing a short line. This is just a test to see if the pen is working and is correctly mounted. It's not that funny if the robot scans the whole sudoku puzzle which could take well over twenty minutes and then fails writing the digits because the pen doesn't reach down to the paper. Source Code You don't need the source code unless you want to modify it or if you are just curious.