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Artificial Life5 2 A walking pattern generation method for humanoid robots using least square method and quartic polynomial. Efficient vision-based navigation - learning about the influence of motion blur. Toward a human-like biped robot with compliant legs.

Robotics and Autonomous Systems57 2: Arbib, editor, The handbook of brain theory and neural networkspages Central pattern generators for locomotion control in animals and robots: Neural Networks Reduced dof type walking 05 083 mariewiganowskyobituary based on closed link mechanism.

InTech, Shanghai China Neuromodulated control of bipedal locomotion using a polymorphic cpg circuit. Vision-based navigation and environmental representations with an omni-directional camera. The 3d linear inverted pendulum model: A simple modeling 05 083 mariewiganowskyobituary a biped walking pattern generation. Real-time 3d walking pattern generation for a biped robot with telescopic 05 083 mariewiganowskyobituary.

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