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For me, getting started in the cryptocurrency space was a daunting task. Bitcoin was "magic internet money" as far as I was concerned in the beginning, but little did I know there was so much more to it than that! When I started researching the new technologies, these were a few of the channels I learned a lot from. The list is in no particular order and I will link them to their respective channels. No surprise that crpt0 is at the top of the list.
He is a huge fan of blockchain technologies, particularly, Ethereum and believes it has the capability to change the world for the better. He even has guests from time to time who are prominent figures in the cryto community such as Amanda B. Johnson and Griff Green. I really enjoy his energy and excitement that is consistent across all of his videos. What is the data structure of a blockchain? How does mining actually work? What in the world is SegWit?
This is where ivanli comes in. Ivan is seriously passionate about technology and does a hell of a good job at answering these tough questions in a way anyone could understand. His enthusiasm for blockchain is infectious to a programmer like me and his videos are a pleasure to watch. Although this channel has a lot more content beyond bitcoin, I find the podcast style interviews to be quite informative. He interviews guests with unique perspectives who discuss the positive impacts of cryptocurrencies.
Ameer Rosic has an ability to explain very technological things in ways that the masses can comprehend. Ameer has a background as an entrepreneur and investor. His experience and advice on investing really helped me starting out with my investment strategy. Seriously, if you are new to investing, watch his videos and learn the correct approach! He also has published videos explaining the investment potentials of various coins.
This is an excellent channel that covers a variety of topics in the crypto space. Her videos are unique in that they are shot in various locations around the world. She is both well spoken and charming, two attributes that I think will really help bring cryptocurrencies to the mainstream. So this is the end of the list. I know there are many other great youtube channels but I wanted to keep this list short and sweet.
If there are some that I, or everyone else on steemit, should be aware of, please leave a link in the comment section. I am always looking for new channels to subscribe! Ouh awesome post beevo! If you are looking for more I did extensive study myself for cryptoexperts to follow both on steemit, websites,youtube and twitter!
Currently my favorite channel on YouTube is DataDash. Nicholas does a fantastic job presenting his research on various altcoins. He presents and encourages solid investing principles and it's been very helpful for my own growth as I explore the crypto market. One of my favorites is BitcoinMeister as well.
He's very down-to-earth and more of a long term investor. Will check them out. Considering the big hype about the new lending alt's i could recommend coinlendinglist.
What a great post!! Thanks for taking the time to do this Definitely following and voting!!!!! This is another guy that is exceptional in keeping people in the loop of crypto currencies https: Top 5 Crypto Youtube Channels. Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. And soon my channel will be one to subscribe to: What a great information!! That's what I want to find. There's a bunch on here that are new to me so thank you! Thanks for the post. I started following Ameer Rosic after this: Surprised that I didn't see Crypto Verse in here!
Deleted all my shit subscriptions and started fresh. Also have a look at cryptoinvestor's channel, you guys might like him too.