Bitcoin - Market Capitalization

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I decided to write total market cap of bitcoin because I wanted to reply to a few comments to which my reply would be similar. If we are going to look at the percentage each coin has in the total market capitalization, we can total market cap of bitcoin there are 3 big competitors. Bitcoin, Ethereum total market cap of bitcoin Ripple.

Each one has it's strong points and of course weak points. Total market cap of bitcoin is the currency which created the industry.

It was so successful that in you could buy 2 pizzas in like this was guy doing with an amount of bitcoin which worth today millions. Ethereum is a more than a coin, it's a platform. Ethercoin is just a smart contract defined and hardcoded in the platform.

Anyone can create a new coin within the ethereum platform and the community welcomes it. Ripple is similar to ethereum, but it's created with banks and financial institutions in mind. Therefore banks love it. Now let's look a bit on the Percentage of Total Market Capitalization graphic. It's quite obviously the bitcoin relative capitalization is going down compared to it's competitors.

The most notable thing we should notice it the fact that it now has less than half of capitalization. The total market is growing so most of the money are going not in bitcoin coins. The trend is clear and without major changes soon ethereum will overtake bitcoin in total market cap of bitcoin of market capitalization.

At that point many will switch from bitcoin to the new kid on the block: If you have any other points I missed or different ideas just leave a comment, I'd love to discuss them.

This post received a 1. For more information, click here! Bitcoin Bitcoin is the currency which created the industry. Pros Bitcoin is the only one among the 3 which deals with only transactions. It's for real a cryptocurrency and only that. No smart contracts, no other features. It is the coin which created this industry out of nothing, having a good reputation. Any merchant total market cap of bitcoin accepts cryptocoins will accept bitcoin. Cons Mining is inefficient. The costs of running miners if making the whole network "expensive".

Solo mining is impossible so only a few bit pools are controlling the blockchain. Transactions times Hard to change. Bitcoin devs hardly reach to consensus on the changes to be implemented. Many of the original devs left the project because of this. Ethereum Ethereum is a more than a coin, it's a platform.

Being perceived as just a coin like bitcoin is has certain advantages. But having smart contracts has more advantages. Ethereum is the network. Ethercoin is the primary coin. Ethercoin Classic is a coin forked from it. Many other coins are defined, but the primary coin is designed to be the base, the gas on which the smart contracts are running.

It is open not only open source and has a vibrant community creating apps in the ethereum platform. It's popular in the geeky world.

Has a good reputation in large corps like Microsoft. Many merchants accepts it. Not as many as the ones accepting bitcoins, but a lot. Via smart contracts you can create recurring charges to pay for subscriptions. It's currently proof of work but they plan to switch to proof os stake Some people think it depends too much on Vitalik Buterin.

When fake news about his death were published eth price went down. Ripple Pros Ripple is similar to ethereum, but it's created with banks and financial institutions in mind.

Pros Banks love it. It's neither proof of work or proof of stake. But what is matter is that is hardware and energy efficient. Cons It's closed source. In my opinion any closed-source blockchain is breaking a primary rule: Other project have of course dev teams, but if they go wrong forks can be created and community can follow those. Does not have a real community. Banks may like it, but geeks hates it.

Banks love it, but the blockchain industry is here to disrupt the banking industry. Hard to make with a blockchain where banks has a great influence. Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.

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45 comments Bot bitcoin kaivos

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I just wanted to make a very quick post about the fact that the Bitcoin percentage of total market capitalization is at an all time low today. The price of Bitcoin is plummeting again, while the prices of other altcoins such as Ethereum and Dash just keep rising and rising. Unfortunately, the Steem price is not really affected by the this development.

As I'm a long-time Hodler of every cryptocurrency I have, I don't worry at all. Yes, Bitcoin is at a crossroads these days and a huge fight is going on between Bitcoin Core and Bitcoin Unlimited.

Many people are panicking once again and scream Bitcoin's dead all over the internet. I don't think so. It has been declared dead more than a thousand times already. In any case, we're living in interesting times What's your opinion about the current roller coaster?

Is Dash the new Bitcoin? Is this all just temporary and Bitcoin will soon show its dominance again? I would love to read your thoughts. I just wonder, when many people think Bitcoin Core dead why selling and buying altcoin refer to btc.

Thanks a lot for your comment. In this context, the total market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies is simply defined by their total value in Dollars. Thank you very much for your feedback, jaki Of course, nobody who invested in cryptocurrencies can be unbiased answering those questions.

Thus, don't worry about being biased. We all are as we all invested either time, money or both in Steemit. Bitcoin percentage of total market capitalization at an all time low.

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. Suggestion, in future article please define what 'total market capitalization' is. I would say, as it most of the time happens in whichever sector , sooner or later serious competitors will arise and claim their part of the cake.

This will also happen in the world of crypto currencies. Therefore I predict that in the long run the dominance of bitcoin will decrease.

Steem it is a brilliant idea with much potential, but as I feel some enthusiasm about it I wonder if I really can answer this question in an unbiased way? Sometimes it compromises the judgement if one is emotionally involved in something