Bitcoin new global currency announced
China would lose massively on their US Treasury holdings. Obviously, this scheme would not work but for a while a euphoric crypto world might buy it, hook line and sinker. But what we do know is that is likely to contain many surprises on the currency front with massive volatility not only in currencies but also in most other markets.
Inwe have seen a mania in cryptos of massive proportions. Also, it could never be used as a bitcoin new global currency announced system due to the very slow speed of transaction. This would drive up the price of gold and silver into a mania that the world has not seen before. The US has not had a real budget surplus since and has been running Trade deficits since
Egon von Greyerz continues: Sponsored Egon von Greyerz continues: Since most of the world bought oil from Saudi Arabia at that time, it led to a major demand for dollars, which is still the case today. The US is currently virtually self-sufficient bitcoin new global currency announced oil production and is no longer a major trading partner of Saudi Arabia.
How can anyone believe that the bitcoin new global currency announced can function with a payment system that has 1, currencies which is continuing to grow exponentially with a new ICO Initial Coin Offering virtually every day. The dollar is backed by massive debts and deficits. Bitcoin and other cryptos are just an electronic form of tulip bulbs.
Inwe have seen a mania in cryptos of massive proportions. Or it could be as Catherine Austin-Fitts believes that governments are bitcoin new global currency announced watching the crypto mania and letting private enterprise develop the market before they step in and ban all cryptos in order to install their own. It is living on borrowed time. Bitcoin is up 20X in This would drive up the price of gold and silver into a mania that the world has not seen before.