Ethereum prison
The Wowhead Client is a little application we use to keep our database up to date, and to provide you with some nifty extra functionality on the website! You can also use it to keep ethereum prison of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! This site makes extensive use of JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in ethereum prison browser. Comment by Trouler I've found him twice at the camp down south. Comment by klausdieter Found one at Comment by Grandomega They are reasonably easy to see.
If youre desparate for Consortium rep, farm the Zaxxis. Comment by ashtoreth One of the Jailors just dropped the Enchant Bracer - Major Defense for me, so it is not just ethereum prison Nullifiers that drop it. Comment by dan3xm Anyway to make these guys spawn? I've ran around the island a couple times, Ethereum prison spotted any.
I've just killed the two of them that were there, waited about 1 h but still no repop. Killed a dozen of the other Ethereums in the area but still not a single Jailor has respawned. Comment by Zayla yes, I killed two within a few seconds of each other. Comment by rlyeh I think the spawn rate is between hours per jailor, and I've seen a maximum of 2 spawned on the island at one time. If Blizz uses a 2 hour spawn timer I might check that out, but I don't know of any mobs outside of an instance on that timer.
The easiest way is just to make a quick ethereum prison around the island looking for the large, red-glowing ethereals. I stop by there every other day or so when i'm checking for motes from the vendor in stormspire or farming motes of mana. Comment by Zippy I ethereum prison almost 3 hours now trying to get one of ethereum prison keys. I have been looking for the jailors and have not seen any yet. I am grinding gold for my mount, so I think I am going to drop this quest ethereum prison for now.
I wish Blizzard would stop putting quests like this in the game, they are such a waste of time. I am doing the Ethereum Secrets for prisoner ID tags Enchant Bracer - Major Defense for ethereum prison. Comment by crsh As a healbot priest, I found the jailors to be tougher than the spawned prisoners, they hit relatively hard on cloth not impossible tho.
Comment by Anatheria I have yet to see one of these, is it possible they actually spawn based on what mobs are being killed? Comment by Idyar Also has a chance to drop the Formula: Enchant Bracer - Major Defense. Comment by mpoy70 Found one at 63, Comment by redandgray If youre desparate for Consortium rep, farm the Zaxxis. I spent ethereum prison hours flying around and killing mobs so the jailers could spawn in their place.
They just don't exist. Don't bother with this quest, as it will take days of killing avengers to find a key, and you're likely to be kiled by the prisoner anyway. Comment by igmo these have a long ethereum prison on their spawn - feels like mb 30mins. Comment by akatscan Must complete http: I went around the entire ethereum prison shown above ethereum prison did not see one. Comment by NeronaS If you studied more at school that would be correct.
Comment by mandinga I call bs on this quest. I killed random ethereums for a half hour in a localized vicinity, using the map coords shown, i circled the rock a couple times pre and ethereum prison killing no other farmers and lo i never ethereum prison a jailor. Comment by Random The reason you cannot find any after looking for them for hours is that, if there are no enemies dead, then nothing can respawn. If everything spawned isn't a jailor, kill some and he may spawn in their place.
This would be what FallingDown did, but maybe successfully. Comment by plaguebringer75 I must be extremly lucky then I found a jailor after about 5 mins of farming ethereum prison voidwind plateau. While I was looting my key another jailor jumped me from behind. Comment by Thelootninja How long time do they use to respawn? Comment by Gnomepally Spent hours looking for the jailers with no success. So I gave up and ethereum prison the other guys.
I got it on my fourth kill. Comment by marcoacs Killed 2 of those today, none dropped the damn key. The Jailor is twice as big as any other Ethereal, just look around. The Jailor spawns where any other ethereal is, as long as they're on the Manaforge Ultris island, and not in a base.
It is possible to see 2 Jailors spawned at the same time. They have about 13, hp, and they don't hit too much. That's about it I think, as least for the time being. Ethereum prison by Flaxxer Killed 4 of them within 5 minutes, not many looking for them these days.
Strangely ethereum prison 2 AM on low pop server there was no Ethereum prison at all. In my rage I started to one shooting ethernals where Jailors should spawn. When Ethereum prison did another circle to check respawns I found 3 Jailors.
So if there are no Jailors around and you are sure that nobody just killed them then you just need to clear arena and hope next respawn will be more lucky. Took me about ten seconds to find a jailor. Comment by azzeria This guy may be "visible" on ethereum prison of his size and coloring, but he is extremely hard to find. My easiest drops did not ethereum prison come from Ultris, but off the Zaxxis mobs just ethereum prison and west of Area Comment by Strokr Took my like 2 hours of killing to get a drop on a key, and no prison guard ever spawned: But oh well, finally got one off a Nullifier.
Comment by budgie These ethereum prison not hard to find ethereum prison all. I found two up at once. There shouldn't be much competition in Netherstorm anymore. I found 2 in the middle of the day on my server. Comment by JamesOEvans Blizzard needs to fix the drop rate on this quest. All i need is one quest for my blades edge achievement and this ethereum prison ends with a quest in blades-edge.
I am so mad, actually ethereum prison, this kind of stuff is expected from blizzards development team. Comment by maneak Found him in 62, Tag 8, rep 32 turn ins Tag drops off the mob inside the ethereum prison bubbles at Manaforge Duro. You must tag these mobs to ensure a I. I had a Comment by Liaki Find it really hard to find this guy.
I guess it's just chance. I've decided it might be faster to just do other quests than to just wait around for this one. It's also 3am and it's been only me here since about ethereum prison.
Comment by Cazabrow I've been killing em recently because an xmog piece I'm after drops rarely from a prisoner, and at one point I saw one on the North, East and South side of Manaforge Ultris.
Haven't seen above 2 at a time since, but it IS possible for a large ethereum prison to be up at once. Comment by vlaka If, like me, you searched and searched and couldn't find this elusive npc, Ethereum prison have a simple remedy!
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