Is bitcoin like tulip mania framed
You then come to his point:. Email him at john. The Wolf of Wall Street.
But next comes an argument that is to the point: It would do nothing to further his point. Then you go on to assert:
He may have written a dozen books in the past on the subjective theory of value, but that is irrelevant to what he wrote in his article. I will not do a point by point critique of this rather long and pointless defense of Gary North. That is what is known as a non sequitur:
I shall skip over the next paragraphs, as they just contain bitter complaints about Mr north not taking you as seriously as you deem yourself worth. You then come to his point:. I suggest he inspect the public ledger of Bitcoin transactions, and I suggest he Google vendors who are offering goods and services using Bitcoin. North correctly points out that there are no records on which you could point as example is bitcoin like tulip mania framed your claim as opposed to a Tulip Mania effect. North purports to base his critique of Bitcoin on Austrian economic theory.
What is stable, the ounce of gold which has forever been the same, or the US dollar as a measuring stick for that ounce of gold? I will call them out one by one. My apologies for the typo.
There are whole countries where people avoid their national currency in favour of the dollar and there are whole global markets that use the dollar for their transactions. North criticizes me for not offering proof of the number of Bitcoin exchanges which take place, yet he claims without offering any proof that none are happening. What is stable, the ounce of gold which has forever been the same, or the US dollar as a measuring stick is bitcoin like tulip mania framed that ounce of gold? That is not reframing the debate.
I could be a teenager and be correct, or I could be older than North and wrong in all my arguments. Three exchanges rushed to launch bitcoin products, and is bitcoin like tulip mania framed started trading on the Cboe Sunday, with a separate contract expected to launch at CME this weekend. Perhaps he will also hear from readers who are using Bitcoin for market exchanges. North criticizes me for not offering proof of the number of Bitcoin exchanges which take place, yet he claims without offering any proof that none are happening. I know people who exchange Bitcoin every day for various goods and services.