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It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! July edited July in Mining. So in case anyone was having the same issues mining with their RX in windows, or they were just seeking the reliability of Linux with their mining rigs.. Once you have installed Ubuntu The fans run notoriously slow with these drivers, even though they're pretty quiet at speed.
Mining without changing fan speed will keep you at a toasty 88F, not near my comfort zone at all. To manage speed adjustment I had to set a password for superuser root account and change a setting from that account specifically.
Supplementary cards would conform to similar naming structure. Gkrellm was installed and executed in that last bit of code, it is a great little sys admin utility from back in the day. If there is demand for it i'll add it to the write up after editing and cleaning it up. Now lets get some security and optimizing features enabled. Adding a basic iptables firewall apt-get install -y iptables-persistent invoke-rc.
Now ethminer is not as straight forward to install. Two repos in the provided documentation need changing.. One terminal window will be dedicated for geth, and another for your miner. If there are issues i'd be glad to help out and revise this guide.
It's been a few days since installing ubuntu itself and some parts of the processed were already foggy to recall from memory. Post edited by smak on July July edited July Your guide installs the master branch of Genoils, so that's 1. And -t is not needed on the command-line if you want to use all GPU's, the miner will use all available GPU's by default. I would also flag the firewall settings as optional, if you're not running a geth node, there's really not much need for all those settings, you could just use fail2ban if you want some extra security, but on pool mining, your ip isn't being broadcasted anywhere, and you're propably also behind a NAT already, so that seems like just pretty useless extra work.
I am running into is my system freezing up after about 8 hrs every time I start mining on Genoil. My set up is currently: Is anyone else experiencing this issue? What could be causing the total system hang up generally after hours of run time? I have to do a reboot everytime and would really like to get it running at least a few days at a time. Smokyish exercising security measures is never "useless extra work" its piece of mind. You should make these changes in config. You can 'mv config.
In general, the library does a good job of configuring itself. If everything appears to be configured properly and both self test suites pass, then you probably don't need to do anything special.
The self test suites are cryptest. The recommendations for building and using the library are: It already has the changes applied. With seven 64 bit work only if I put it on second card, if I put on first card the driver restart everytime My only solution for mining on rx now is seven 64 bit first card older r9 I have installed Xubuntu At the home page ati i read the While version for What kind of hashrates are you guys seeing on AMD vs Intel?
Also, how does this affect the GPU hashrate. I tried to dual mine on Windows 10 and my hash rate on the GPU dropped substantially. Granted I'm only using a Phenom II on that machine and just wanted to try it out. I just want to thank you smak for posting the fanspeed tutorial.
I'm currently trying to figure out on how to run it on boot. Being a noob linux here so far I manually type on terminal every on boot. Still trying to google on how to run these on boot. I read something about rc.
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