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The version bits BIP9 system is a way to introduce backward compatible rule changes to the Bitcoin consensus rules, known as a soft fork. It also allows for up to 29 soft forks to be proposed concurrently.

Soft forks have bitcoin version bits start time and a timeout during which the proposal is active. The soft fork can only be activated between start time and timeout. If the soft fork does not get activated by the bitcoin version bitsthe soft fork proposal fails and will not activate even if signalled. The Bitcoin network retargets mining difficulty every blocks; at this time version bits will look at the window of the previous blocks to see how many blocks signal for a given soft fork.

Nodes software will warn that an upgrade is pending. When no soft forks are being signalled, miners should set the block version field to 0x To signal readiness for soft fork sminers should set the relevant version bit s together with 0x To signal both soft forks at once, bitcoin version bits 0x i. IsSuperMajority or ISM for short, is a legacy soft fork trigger that activates new rules once out of blocks are mined which signal the new block version.

An IsSuperMajority soft bitcoin version bits will orphan all blocks with previous version after activation. Once a version bits soft fork reaches activation, nodes will simply begin enforcing the new rules, and will NOT orphan a non-signalling block unless it violates the new rules. ISM looks at the previous blocks on a rolling basis; version bits looks at the previous block once each time the mining difficulty retargets.

ISM soft forks do not expire. Non-upgraded miners risk producing invalid blocks which would be orphaned if they are not able to validate the newly activated rules. Soft forks are proposed through the BIPs process.

Active BIP9 soft fork proposals are listed on the assignments page. Version bits FAQ for miners by. What is version bits BIP9?

How is version bits activated? What are soft fork bitcoin version bits What is the activation workflow? What bitcoin version bits the version bit? When should miners set bits? How does it differ to an ISM soft fork? Do miners have to upgrade? Who assigns version bits to different upgrade proposals? Recommended View all posts Bitcoin Core 0.

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