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Now they're camping out in the Netherlands, waiting to be multi-millionaires. Experience special sneak peeks of your favorite shows, exclusive video and more. I hope they diversified well and bought in before the big Bull Run! He also sold two companies, has a lot of money and moved over to thailand. He actually never sold clothes, shoes and those things. Have they sold it? What a stupid investment. They have everything because they have true love as family, as a unit, love it it.
This family has faith, not in bitcoin, but in each other they are going to be happy and be alright regardless of any material and or tangle thing.
You can just do the same thing with penny stocks. They can triple in price in a weekm. Ouch, I just looked it up. Family just lost their literal shirts. This I believe is stupidity. Did you not hear about something called diversification and to never put all your eggs in one basket. You should only invest what you can afford to lose. My bitcoin bet paid off, but is it too late for others? How Does BitCoin Work?
Top 10 Bitcoin Facts. Billionaire Mathematician - Numberphile. I'm A Teenage Bitcoin Millionaire. Billionaire Investor Carl Icahn: Just a regular billionaire. Bitcoin's Mining Business Is Growing: