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Digital Asset or Digital Asset Holdings, LLC is a financial technology company that builds products based on distributed ledger technology DLT for regulated financial institutions, such as financial market infrastructure providers, CCPs, CSDs, exchanges, banks, custodians and their market participants.

It currently employs over people. The company has strategic business relationships with Accenture, Sunil hirani bitcoin stock price, IBM and PwC to help scale and accelerate the adoption and deployment its technology.

The company acquired Bits of Proof, which had developed an enterprise-grade implementation of blockchain server security tools. The company acquired Hyperledger, which had developed a permissioned distributed ledger that did not require native cryptocurrencyand was designed specifically for financial institutions. The company acquired Blockstack. Selected by the Australian Securities Exchange ASX to develop solutions for the Australian market with initial focus on post-trade clearing and settlement services in the cash equities market.

Treasury, Agency, and Agency Mortgage-Backed repurchase agreement repo transactions. The company acquired Elevence, which had developed a domain specific language to safely and securely model and execute complex financial agreements with certainty and finality, while preserving data confidentiality. Signed an agreement with SIX Securities Services to develop a prototype for securities lifecycle processing. Participants in the Platform share a single source of truth which provides continuous data integrity, any desired or mandated degree of transparency and the opportunity for rapid innovation.

The Platform includes Digital Asset Modeling Language DAML ; a domain specific language that enforces consistent interpretation and application of business logic, and provides a real-time, auditable log of ordered evidences of events. These evidences are cryptographically linked to private trade data that is replicated selectively among only those parties entitled to view or interact with it.

By combining a network-wide, replicated DLT log and partially replicated reference data, each participant can create their subsection of the ledger sunil hirani bitcoin stock price full confidence that it is consistent with sunil hirani bitcoin stock price of other parties.

An overview of the Digital Asset Platform can be found in a non-technical whitepaper published by the company in December DTCC contracted Digital Asset to develop a clearing and settlement solution for repurchase agreement repo transactions. The initial phase was to build a prototype for securities lifecycle processing using the Digital Asset Platform. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Casey 11 March The Wall Street Journal. The New York Times. Retrieved 7 December Digital Asset press release.

New York Business Journal. Media Release, Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Australia. Retrieved from " https: Blockchains Companies based in New York City. Views Read Edit Sunil hirani bitcoin stock price history.

This page was last edited on 30 Aprilat By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. New York CityUnited States.

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