Acrylic Paints
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Hello there I paint with acrylics and I am going to try using a limited pallet and I would like to have a red similar in quality to Alizarin Crimson included, but I am not sure which one to use. I have been using Quinacridone Magenta and quite like it, but it is not as dark as traditional Alizarin Crimson and I am not sure if it is the best for versility of mixing - which is so important for the pigments included on a limited pallet.
I am using the Tri-Art high viscosity brand of acrylics and they make an Alizarin Crimson Hue with a composition of: Many thanks for reading, Judith. The Tri-Art blend has always seemed a little strange to me, although I do really like Tri-Art acrylics. In acrylics I believe PR M. Graham makes and excellent version or PR Liquitex offers this pigment, but is opaque. The transparent version is better if you can find it.
No matter what, in my opinion, quinacridone magenta is generally going to be a better all around mixing pigment than a crimson pigment. I just may stick with it and forget the Alizarin Crimson. I haven't tried this with acrylics but I will let you in on my secret formula for alizarin crimson with oil colors.
I have tried many combinations of mixes to try and duplicate pr The very best match I can get so far is pv19, thalo red rose with some pv23 diox violet added to it.
Like your quin magenta prpv19 is not as dark as pr83 but when you add the pv23 it is close. The other mixes I have tried all seem dull and off color and more opaque.
I don't like the looks of that formula with a napthol pr and a mars orange pr because I can't see it as vibrant and transparent as pr83 but maybe for acrylics that is less important.
The replacement of Aliz crimson is a much sought after thing and some of the hues they have work but of couse are not really close like my formula is, sorry Gamblin et al regards Sid. Mix it with Phthalos and you can get rich, dark blacks or purples. Golden also offers a suggestion if you wanted to mix your own by combining 10 parts Quinacridone Violet PV19 with 12 parts Quinacridone Burnt Orange PR a great color, btw.
You could try something like that with your Tri-Arts I don't like this mixture as much as their regular Quinacridone Crimson, but it's all that's available in the Open line.
One consideration with using Dioxazine purple in the mixture you propose, I think, is that it's usually Lightfastness II. Still artist grade and a great color, but something to think about.
Unfortunately Alizarin Crimson is irreplaceable. The real stuff is so strong that it can leave your painting looking as though it's literally bleeding. What a dreadful loss to painting this beautiful but impermanent lake is. The pigment police are gaining strength, now we shouldn't really even be using zinc white. One should search replacement just in the case he knows exactly he want and what are his tolerances on hue, permanence, value, drying tume, I guess you are concern with Aliz.
It can play important role only if you are comissioned by a large museum like Prado Madridcolector, Making painting that will accompany furniture style or like and will finish after some decades in the best case in the garage, and looking for alizarin crims. As Nit-wit said, it is unreplaceable pigment, and searching for replacement just will make you low-class amateur.
Hey that is me in a nutshell a very low class amateur Maybe I should paint with fugitives only! Man, make some basic common sense. When Prado Madrid order a painting from you with their technical specification than is time to think as you think now.: That is a very sad statement about art-making Some people aim higher than that, triart finest liquid artist acrylics warm white 120 ml bottle they get there or not. It really takes very little effort to work with lightfast paints, and anyone who is just buying your work to hang over their couch for a couple of years certainly won't notice that you didn't use genuine Alizarin Crimson.
And, by the way, it's triart finest liquid artist acrylics warm white 120 ml bottle just the Prado that might appreciate your painting lasting a while. Triart finest liquid artist acrylics warm white 120 ml bottle you paint a really good couch-hanger-over, your customer's descendants might like for it to hang over their couches some day.
Actually, if the Prado orders a painting from you, you can paint with any fugitive pigments you'd like. They'll be sure to keep the painting in lighting that will assure it won't fade, and they'll take care of any other flaws in your technique or use of materials through many thousands of dollars in restoration costs and trained technicians.
However, if it's unlikely that your paintings will end up in a museum with a full staff catering to their needs, then triart finest liquid artist acrylics warm white 120 ml bottle works will need to withstand the test of time all by themselves. In that case, you'd better have used lightfast pigments, a good archival support, easily removable varnish, and sound methods and materials.
Well, that's my philosophy anyway. Judith, to answer your original question, I think you'll have to try a number of those Alizarin hues and see which ones you like best. I find some of them to be quite dirty in mixes. Quin magenta triart finest liquid artist acrylics warm white 120 ml bottle good stuff! Also, pyrrole red not pyrrole red light is a great red that can mix violets pretty well. I paint with acrylics and I am going to try using a limited pallet and I would like to have a red similar in quality to Alizarin Crimson included, but I am not sure which one to use.
How small do you want it to be Judith? There are some previous threads triart finest liquid artist acrylics warm white 120 ml bottle limited palettes and limiting palettes that you may be interested in having a scan through. As Brian mentions Quin Magenta would be a much more versatile mixer than Alizarin Crimson or anything similar to it. Quinacridone Rose is substituted for PR by some people who like it for not being quite so artificial looking.
In practice, where we put theory aside, the magenta is better for violet-side mixes, the rose for red-side mixes. I am using the Tri-Art high viscosity brand of acrylics Good choice BTW http: Think about all the painters who do similar work where one can't tell who uses it triart finest liquid artist acrylics warm white 120 ml bottle who doesn't. The pigment police are gaining strength That's an unfair characterisation of people who value permanence.
Only if you're commissioned by a large museum or a collector? I have the Diox Violet and really love that colour! Thanks for this suggestion. Hi Andrew I have never used "real" Alizarin Crimson either, triart finest liquid artist acrylics warm white 120 ml bottle least that I can remember anyways, since my student oil painting days were so long ago and my memory is getting scary these days: I never even thought about lightfastness of Diox purple, figures the prettiest ones will fade - nuts.
Hi nit-wit Thanks for your thoughts, I was just looking for a nice mixing cool red for my limited pallet and am not trying to make my pictures look like they are bleeding, although I am sure if I was used to using the real thing I would be sad at it's loss too I am not sure who you mean when you say pigment police, but I know that health concears are a growing concearn for many people.
I have put cad yellow light and red light on the supply list for my beginning painting students to purchase and worry about any health effects it can have, especially since I have one student with Downs Syndrom and another with really disabeling dyslexia.
They are adults and can listen well, follow instructions, and are not eating the paint like kids might, but I still worry a little. I know that I get paint on my hands regularly I know that they will too. Hi Daniel I was not concearned with Aliz. Hi Jamie Thanks for your thoughts, I do love my Quin Magenta and I can see that if you are mixing with a crimson that has black, orange or green in it, the mixtures could become quite dirty I will be trying out suggestions to see what works triart finest liquid artist acrylics warm white 120 ml bottle for me.
I like versitilty and simplicity myself. Hi Einion I am not sure how small but here are my needs: I am looking for the most versitile selection of paint colours for my own personal pallet so I can buy these colours in bulk as well as what I will be suggesting for my beginner acrylic painting students to purchase. I want to paint with these pigments regularly myself since I will be teaching with triart finest liquid artist acrylics warm white 120 ml bottle.
I am used to having lots of pigments avaliable to choose from so having the limited pallet will take some getting used to I have gotten Kevin McPherson's most recent book and he suggested the following: I have already done my supply list for the fall semester and I had my students get the above list only with the quin magenta and not alizarin crimson.
I am kind of afraid to even suggest alizarin crimson to my students cause with all of the combos avaliable, who knows what they may come to class with I will do a search for threads on limited pallets, that is a great suggestion, I never even thought of that.
I must admit that I have never used Quin rose, I will have to try that. I really love the tri-Art brand of acrylics paints too I just wish they had better packaging. Graham makes and excellent version 2 PR Liquitex offers this pigment, but is opaque. In acrylics the alizarin substitute by liquitex is not bad.
In oil,acrylic and watercolor i use genuine alizarin. Aren't you worried about All colors can fade there is no such thing as a painting that lasts for ever. Some colors just take longer than others to fade that's all. I find the trend of pigment lightfastness snobbery obsessive. We ought to be much more concerned about people and companies that try to take our colors away from us and overzealous government agencies falsely labeling health warnings on our products than whether or not my painting will fade in a hundred or two hundred years.
The Michael Wilcox school will of course consider this heresy but too bad for themI'd rather get my paintings done and have them fade than worry about something that will happen eventually anyways and not paint anything because of avoidance and fear. Where the heck are M. I can't find any. I am not sure how small but here are my needs: Perhaps the commonest smaller palette is the twin-primary palette, which is six paints, not including white, and although it doesn't provide the colour range of another palette of similar size many people find it easy and logical to use.