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BTC-e was a digital currency trading platform and unichangemebuysellexchange bitcoin btce usd. Alexander Buyanov and Andrii Shvets. The US Justice Dept attempted to close down BTC-e on the 26th of July when they charged Alexander Vinnik and BTC-e in a count indictment for operating an alleged international money laundering scheme and allegedly laundering funds from the hack of Mt.

By Octoberthey supported many different currency pairs, including Litecoin to dollars, Bitcoin to rubles and RuCoin to rubles. The BTC-e website is offline since 25 Julyfollowing the arrest of BTC-e staff members and the seizure of server equipment at one of their data centres. These events led to the suspension of the BTC-e service. BTC-e posted on 31 July that Alexander Vinnik was never the operator or employee of BTC-e and that they would be back working within a month or would put facilities in place to return funds and coins to users.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. History [ edit ]. The Unichangemebuysellexchange bitcoin btce usd Star Newspaper - Lebanon. History Economics Unichangemebuysellexchange bitcoin btce usd status. List of bitcoin companies List of bitcoin organizations List of people in blockchain technology.

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