Bitcoin Currency Calculator

5 stars based on 44 reviews

You can set the default currency for the calculator in your wordpress admin. If you have any questions please e-mail me at richardmacarthy hotmail.

Please ignore, the 1 star comment, not sure what he was talking about. The plugin works fine. If you want any additions let me know. The following people have contributed to this plugin. Donate to this plugin.

Description A bitcoin currency converter powerered by Bitcoin Freelance platform https: Plugin uses live data from MT Gox to convert Bitcoin to real currency.

Plugin data gathers data from API found at http: Screenshots Screenshot showing converter. The widget will now appear on your sidebar. Use the shortcode entry [bitcoin-currency-calculator] to display the converter on a page or a post.

Automatic Install Search for the plugin on the wordpress plugin market. Use the widgets menu on your wordpress admin to add the widget to the sidebar. Setting the default currency. No data is displaying? Please make sure CURL is enabled on your php. Support Got something to say? Donate Would you like to support the advancement of this plugin?

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