[GET] Facebook Liker Bot v5.6 – 2015 Updated Version

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Also, the opinions expressed here are solely her own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer. As you may have heard of, API. My step-by-step instruction uses Node. The source code on tutorial branch is on GitHub. The bot has been approved by Facebook so you can try the bot! I choose ngrok to serves a localhost to a public URL because it is simple and easy to use.

When you start ngrok, it will display a public URL of your tunnel in the terminal. We will need the URL later when setting up the Facebook app. In the screenshot, the URL is https: This is how you receive messages to your webhook via Facebook Messenger- All requests should come via postwhile the GET route is only used at the time you configure your Facebook app. You will need later when setting up your Facebook app. You need a Facebook Page to set up your chat bot.

Create one from facebook. Then click Get Started. Then create an app at developers. Click Add Product from the left menu, then choose Messenger. At the Token Generation1 choose the page you just created from the dropdown menu, and it will generate a token 2 that you will need to include in your node code. Click the Verify and Save. Otherwise, you are ready to get back to code. Continue with your webhook. Try running the code. This acts as a very simple bot, which interact the Messenger platform to receive a message and echo the message as the reply- Go to [https: If your the simple bot works correctly, it just replies the exactly what you send:.

Your entry is simply echoed back. Once you get your account, create an agent. This gives your bot an ability to have simple conversations. Once activated, click View details then turn on the Fulfillment cara bot komentar status fb yang like dan that you can later use this feature in your app and customize. Try the Console at the right hand side. You can either speak or type to test the Small Talk domain:. You can always come back here to customize the conversations.

It is actually possible to integrate API. You need your API. And go back to your webhook. Refer the usage on its npm doc. It is pretty simple- you just pass a text to API.

What the code sample above doing is basically getting the info passed as a param sent from a user via Messenger, and pass the text content to API. Run the node code, and try sending some messages.

If everything is working, you should get replies from the bot:. When you activate the Small Talk from the Domainsyou may have noticed there are more presets like Weather and Flight Schedules, etc.

To use these services, it looks like you need to send inquiry to their sales peeps. However, of course as an engineer, you can always call the 3rd party APIs to add the features by yourself instead of just flipping the switch and pay. First, to customize the conversational user interfaces, you need to understand the key concepts of API.

To make your bot reply the user with a weather info, you need to create a specific Intents. What cara bot komentar status fb yang like dan see here are pre-defined entities. There are many entities in the list but what you need here is a collection of cities.

Cara bot komentar status fb yang like dan city name will be highlighted. Major city names have been provided already so you do not need to create them, however if you need to define special entities that not listed there, such as types of cars, food, etc, you will need to create manually.

I am not covering how to define entities in this article this time! You need this action name on your node code later. Then cara bot komentar status fb yang like dan at Responseenter a default response. Save the Intents, and go to Fulfillment from the menu. We are going to use the API to fetch a current weather data for cara bot komentar status fb yang like dan location.

If you deploy your bot, make sure to change your webhook endpoints on both Facebook Developer app setting and API. I hope you enjoyed the article. Now you can tailor your intents, add more features, and use the training feature for better results to make your bot more interesting!

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You can test the bot in a console window and with the Bot Framework Emulator. Follow the prompt on the screen to enter information about your bot and npm will create a package. For your first bot, you will create a bot that simply echoes back any user input. To create your bot, follow these steps:. In the folder that you created earlier for your bot, create a new file named app. Add the following code to the file:. Your bot is now running locally.

Try out your bot by typing a few messages in the console window. You should see that the bot responds to each message you send by echoing back your message prefixed with the text "You said: Console bots are good text-based clients, but in order to use any of the Bot Framework channels or run your bot in the emulator , your bot will need to run on an API endpoint.

Install restify by running the following npm command:. Next, test your bot by using the Bot Framework Emulator to see it in action. The emulator is a desktop application that lets you test and debug your bot on localhost or running remotely through a tunnel.

First, you'll need to download and install the emulator. After the download completes, launch the executable and complete the installation process. After installing the emulator, navigate to your bot's directory in a console window and start your bot:. Now that your bot is running locally and is connected to the emulator, try out your bot by typing a few messages in the emulator.

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