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Logout Welcome to your wallet, enjoy your stay! Visit that reddit and say hi, become a shibe. Six separate accounts that are controlled by a single password. And DBS sits right on the blockchain. Some users might appreciate being so close to the blockchain! Here is an entry point to learn more. And you can make a copy of this website and make your DBS offline. This website is basically a large blob of different tools and functionalities.
It's like the vi of dogecoin multisigs. A big steampunk-style digital wallet with tools. Use a QR code reading program on your phone to enable peer-to-peer processing with this site. If using the dogecoin-qt core for transactions processing is considered Advanced, and usage of fully wrapped transactions processing dogetipbot derp on reddit or dogechain.
This site is centered between ease-of-use and maximizing security for the user. You hold onto your keys, we will never see them. Check out the 'How To' section for videos showing you how to use this site. You will need basic cut n'pasting skills, and a little patience. All computations are performed in Javascript within the browser. The so-called "Broadcast" transaction takes this Javascript output and loads it to the Dogecoin Network.
This means that you are able to create your dogecoin addresses and multisig address and handle the private key, etc OFFLINE this is a security feature. This website is in Beta. This is open source freeware. This site is a work in progress that will continue growing over time.
Here's the source code: Just copy it from github,and run index. This site was started with coinb. Please help support them at: If you like it let him know with doge!
Very Thanks helping with Translations and stuff: Dogecoin is money with a picture of a dog on it. The dogecoin network is quite similar to the bitcoin network, but with a few changes made that serve to differentiate it from the bitcoin network. While other coins such as bitcoin are more deflationary in nature, the dogecoin network is inflationary in nature, lending to a more predictable as well as an ostensibly more decentralized and rationally sustainable worldwide economic monetary system.
The Dogecoin Network inflates at the rate of 5. This network can handle several times the volume of the Bitcoin Network, as measured in terms of transactions per second. In this way dogecoin and other cryptocurrencies are assisting Bitcoin as regards possibly looming bandwidth issues.
Multisigs do not have a random number generator but instead are created from combinations of Public Keys. Multisigs have Key Holders. One Key Holder can hold multiple keys, as in the case of Personal Use.
To learn more about it, copy it and plug it in here. The number of Key Holders is assigned at multisig creation time and can never be changed. Along with choosing the number Key Holders when you're making the multisig, you also choose the number of Signatures required to unlock the funds.
You can share the private keys or just keep them to yourself and use it personally. Here's a rundown on what we've got, with how-to-use examples:. One Private Key yieldstwo Dogecoin addresses to use: You'll get to trace where the money went, and how much -- that's recorded in the dogecoin public ledger, for all to see.
Or use it like a checking account. Both Key Holders are needed to move the funds to an agreed-upon location. Maybe you want to store the private keys for each in different locations, for security purposes.
Or maybe you're trying to get two people to work together, for whatever reason. Or let's pretend someone has an idea for a charity effort, goes to the community for a crowdfunding push and wins the support of two trusted players in that community. This website is an interface to the Dogecoin Network, and while it is tuned for handling multi-signature transactions, non-multisig Dogecoin addresses the regular ones can also be used here.
The website is designed to be usable offline. Keys are generated on client side and we never ever see them. Nor do we want to see them. This is something you can take from github and copy onto a memory stick. You can put the memory stick onto a computer that's not connected to the internet, and generate regular and multisig addresses. In terms of this website, it's because the Private Key is generated first, using randomized number information.
These addresses don't need to be connected to some central authority, They don't need to be entered into a database The blockchain consists of transactions that are weaved together to form the story of your address To pull transactions from the blockchain, you're going to need access to the internet. Then you can in theory take those transactions with you, store them on an offline computer.
You can sign them offline, creating the broadcast transaction -- a block of data that will be incorporated into the blockchain. That 'broadcast' happens online. Here are some quick videos and stuff that demonstrate How To:.
Create 2 Dogecoin Addresses. The multisig featured here is made from 4 Public Keys and 4 Private Keys. In order to spend the Dogecoin, 3 of the 4 Private Keys must be utilized. Do not offer your Public Key if you do not have a Private Key for it, because you will not have a Private Key to spend from the multisig with! The multisig featured here is made from 3 Public Keys and 3 Private Keys. In order to spend the Dogecoin, 2 of the 3 Private Keys must be utilized. It's okay to be uncertain.
It is a part of life. Since we cannot change it, we can accept it. Or we can ignore it. But we do not want to do that. No, it's fine to be uncertain because it is part of growth. You can do this. That said, it makes sense to investigate the.
The dogecoin transaction below has been generated and encoded. It can be broadcasted once it has been signed. Clear existing inputs when new inputs are loaded. When using this option you may enter a hex string or address into the address field on the output tab. The locktime indicates the earliest time a transaction can be added to the block chain. Make this a RBF transaction. The settings page can be used to select alternative networks of which you can retrieve your unspent outputs and broadcast a signed transaction into.
The transaction below has been generated and encoded. Enter the raw transaction, redeem script, pubkey, hd address or wif key to convert it into a readable format that can be verified manually. The redeem script above has been decoded.
The above script has been decoded. The above public key has been encoded to its address. The key has been decoded. This project was started with coinb. Please donate to them at: The Dogecoin Network can handle several times the volume than the Bitcoin Network, as measured in terms of transactions per second.
Select which network you'd like to use for key pair generation. This page uses javascript to generate your addresses and sign your transactions within your browser, this means we never receive your private keys, this can be independently verified by reviewing the source code on github You can run this offline! You can add a public key when creating a 2-of-3 multi signature address and for a low fee your mediator will help with the recovery of the funds should any disputes arise.
This is a pilot project for full-fledged arbitration support. We're open, but please excuse any hiccups while we learn and improve this new level of support.
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