Analysis: Why America's unions are losing power
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The roots of our country's trade unions extend deep into the early history of America. Several of the Pilgrims arriving at Plymouth Rock in were working craftsmen. Captain John Smith, who led the ill-fated settlement in on Virginia's James River, pleaded with his sponsors in London to send him more craftsmen and working people.
Primitive unions, or guilds, of carpenters and cordwainers, cabinet makers and cobblers made their appearance, often temporary, in various cities along the Atlantic seaboard of colonial America. Workers played a significant role in the struggle for independence; carpenters disguised as Mohawk Indians were the "host" group at the Boston Tea Party in In "pursuit of happiness" through shorter hours and higher pay, printers were the first to go on strike, in New York in ; cabinet makers struck in ; carpenters in Philadelphia in ; cordwainers in In the early years of the 19th century, recorded efforts by unions to improve the workers' conditions, through either negotiation or strike action, became more frequent.
By the s, various unions involved in the effort to reduce the working day from 12 to 10 hours began to show interest in the idea of federation-of joining together in pursuit of common objectives for working people. As ineffective as these first efforts to organize may have been, they reflected the need of working people for economic and legal protection from exploiting employers. Opposition to the trade union movement by american business management invention of the steam engine and the growing use of water power to operate machinery were developing a trend toward a factory system not much different from that in England which produced misery and slums for decades.
Starting in the s and accelerating rapidly during the Civil War, the factory system accounted for an ever-growing share of American production. It also produced great wealth opposition to the trade union movement by american business management a few, grinding poverty for many.
With workers recognizing the power of their employers, the number of local union organizations opposition to the trade union movement by american business management steadily during the midth century. In a number of cities, unions in various trades joined together in citywide federations. The Nation Labor Union, actually a federation - an organization of local unions formed in Never very strong, it was a casualty of the sweeping economic depression of Five years later, the Knights of Labor captured the public imagination.
Formed in by Uriah Stephens and expanded rapidly under the leadership of Terrance Powderythe Knights were an all-embracing organization committed to a cooperative society.
Membership was open to all workers, whether they be skilled or unskilled, black or white, male or female. The Knights achieved a membership of nearlyduring the next few years, but the skilled and unskilled workers who had joined the Knights in hope of improvement in their hours and wages found themselves fragmented by the rift between skilled and unskilled workers. Skilled workers tired of labor activity on the part of unskilled workers who were easily replaced.
The Knights, an effective labor force, declined after the Haymarket Square riots. In the riot members of the Knights of Labor where accused of throwing a bomb which killed police officers. The Knights, already fragmented, where faced with enormous negative publicity, and eventually disbanded. Gompers, born incame as a boy with his parents to America from the Jewish slums of London; he entered the cigar-making trade and received much of his education as a opposition to the trade union movement by american business management a worker who read books, newspaper stories, poetry and magazine articles to fellow employees to help break the monotony of their work in the shop and became a leader of his local union and of the national Cigar Makers Union.
A statement by the founders of the AFL expressed their belief in the need for more effective union organization. Debs, a leading American socialist struck the company's manufacturing plant and called for a boycott of the handling of Pullman's sleeping and parlor cars on the nation's railroads. Within a week,railroad workers were engaged in a sympathy protest strike.
The government swore in 3, special deputies; later, at the request of the railroad association, President Cleveland opposition to the trade union movement by american business management in federal troops to break the strike-despite a plea by Gov.
Aitgeld of Illinois that their presence was unnecessary. Finally a sweeping federal court injunction forced an end to the sympathy strike, and many railroad workers were blacklisted. The Pullman strikers were essentially starved into submissive defeat. The strike illustrated the increasing tendency of the government to offer moral support and military force to break strikes.
The injunction, issued usually and almost automatically by compliant judges on the request of government officials or corporations, became a prime legal weapon against union organizing and action. A better method of federal intervention occurred during a strike of anthracite coal miners, under the banner of the United Mine Workers. More thanminers in northeastern Pennsylvania called a strike on May 12, and kept the mines closed all that summer.
Five days later the miners returned to their jobs, and five months later the Presidential Commission awarded them a 10 percent wage increase and shorter work days-but not the formal union recognition they had sought.
In a fire broke out at the Triangle Shirtwaist Co. About employees almost all of them young women-perished when the fire swept through the upper floors of the loft building in which they worked. Many burned to death; others jumped and died. Why so large a casualty list? The safety exits on the burning floors had been securely locked, allegedly to prevent "loss of goods. A state factory investigation committee headed by Frances Perkins she was to become Franklin Roosevelt's secretary of labor inthe first woman cabinet member in history paved the way for many long needed reforms in industrial safety and fire prevention measures.
Another of the historic industrial conflicts prior to World War I occurred in in the textile mills of Lawrence, Mass. The move produced predictable results: Some children of strikers were "adopted" by sympathizers. When women strikers and their children were attacked at the railroad station by the police after authorities had decided no more youngsters could leave town, an enraged public protest finally forced the mill owners not only to restore the pay cuts but to increase the workers' wages to more realistic levels.
Congress, at the urging of the AFL, created the U. Department of Labor with a opposition to the trade union movement by american business management mandate to protect and extend the rights of wage earners. A Children's Bureau, with a major concern to protect the victims of job exploitation, was created. The LaFollette Seaman's Act required urgently needed improvements in the working conditions on ships of the U.
Of crucial importance, the Clayton Act of made explicit the legal concept that "the labor of a human being is not a commodity or article of commerce" and hence not subject to the Sherman Act provisions which had been the legal basis for injunctions against union organization. Clayton legalized strikes and boycotts and peaceful picketing, and dramatically limited the use of injunctions in labor disputes. The "Roaring Twenties," nostalgically depicted in some movies and musical comedies as an era of unbounded prosperity and champagne-induced gaiety, fell a good deal short of those marks for most American working people.
Throughout the decade, unemployment rose, quietly, almost anonymously. It was a time of considerable hardship for many of the unemployed, long before the days of unemployment insurance or supplementary benefits.
The post world war I depression brought wages down sharply and caused major erosion of union membership-a loss of about a million members in the years from to The difficulties were multiplied by the decision of the National Association of Manufacturers and other antiunion "open shop" groups to wipe out or seriously diminish the status of Americancan unions.
The fear of "Bolsheviks," often hysterical, that was nurtured by the Russian communist revolution was used gleefully by the antiunion forces. As early asPresident John Kirby of the NAM had decided the trade union movement was "an un-American, opposition to the trade union movement by american business management and infamous conspiracy.
Strikebreaking, blacklisting and vigilanteeism became, for a time, acceptable aspects of this new and spurious brand of patriotism. The "yellow dog contract," which workers had to sign in order to get a job, bound them never to join a union; at the same time, the corporations promoted employee representation plans or company unions-pale and generally useless imitations of the real thing. In NovemberJohn L.
Lewis announced the creation of the CIO, the Committee for Industrial Organization, composed of about a dozen leaders of AFL unions, to carry on the effort for industrial unionism. Industrial Unions are unions that organize an entire industry regardless of skill.
Opposition to the trade union movement by american business management short they where unions of unskilled workers. Lewis, born in Iowa in of Welsh immigrant parents, went to work in the coal mines and became president of the Mine Workers in An orator of remarkable virtuosity, Lewis voiced increasingly bitter attacks on his colleagues on the AFL Executive Council; his words helped speed the break.
Inthe various CIO unions were expelled from the Federation. In any event, the CIO began a remarkably successful series of organizing campaigns, and over the next few years, brought industrial unionism to large sectors of basic American industry.
At the same time the unions remaining in the AFL registered even more substantial gains in membership. During World War 11, the AFL and CIO, while preserving areas of disagreement, began to find more substantial bases for working together on problems affecting all workers. In time many of the old antagonisms had died out and the old issues had been resolved.
The stage was set for merger of the two labor groups. The AFL-CIO merger and its accompanying agreements brought about the virtual elimination of jurisdictional disputes between unions that had plagued the labor movement and alienated public sympathy in earlier years. The unions placed a new priority on organizing workers in areas, industries and plants where no effective system of labor representation yet existed.
In many cases, it meant crossing the barriers of old thinking and tired methods to reach the employees of companies which for years had resisted unions. For the past forty years there opposition to the trade union movement by american business management been a steady decline in both union membership and influence. There are several reasons for such a decline, the first having to do with employers keeping their businesses union-free. Some were active in their opposition and even hired consultants to devise legal strategies to combat unions.
Other employers put workers on the management team by appointing them to the board of directors or establishing profit-sharing plans to reward employees. The second reason for union decline is that new additions to the labor force have traditionally had little loyalty to organized labor.
Opposition to the trade union movement by american business management more and more women and teenagers are working and their incomes tend to be a family's second opposition to the trade union movement by american business management, they have a proclivity towards accepting opposition to the trade union movement by american business management wages, thus defeating the purpose of organized labor.
The third and possibly the most important reason for the decline in unions is that they are victims of their own success. Unions raised their wages substantially above the wages paid to nonunion workers. Therefore, many union-made products have become so expensive that sales were lost to less expensive foreign competitors and nonunion producers. This resulted in companies having to cut back on production, which caused some workers to lose their jobs, and hence, unions some of their members.
Also, the recent shift in this country towards technology and service has made our economy less reliant in the types of industrial jobs that tended to be union strongholds. Today's worker tends to more highly educated and tends to the professional, white collar class. All of these have conspired to decrease union membership. The Labor Union Movement in America The roots of our country's trade unions extend deep into the early history of America.
Information Today's Date is Sunday, May 6th,