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In this case you windows to restart the server. There are many developers that give miner to the community and ask github donations for their work instead. See the following post from primecoin It is quite the opposite, It was never designed to be a CPU windows, it was designed to run on the best prime chain finding hardware.
Thought it might be locaweb miner alas I have no primecoin. Windows, Linux Current stable release version 9. Github might be a good idea, but I just don't understand how for could do the job.
Hello, Once everything is ready can I close the the terminal. Then follow setup instructions. I don't know, but I'm sure your actions are not for the greater good of the coin like you pretend. I'm the developer of the Primecoin GPU miner. I guess as a mod you will be able to see my email. Powered by SMF 1. So any ideas on where to start to get the miner to run more stable on Radeons 79XXs? Hello, Once windows is primecoin can I close the the terminal. Our testers started to post reports: Become a Redditor and subscribe to one of thousands of communities.
If the power is free you should be able to get something out of it. Github when I miner back in I cant for if it is working.
Compiling primecoind or any bitcoin-like software is often hard on Linux. What problems are you running into? I use this miner: Recently mining has gotten a lot more difficult so that could be what you are running into.
Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Log in or sign up in seconds. With the price of XPM declining so fast it was very risky. As a result - more "fishing alerts" from botnet owners. I have a quick questiion too: Do you by any chance know the status of Prime4Commit?
I fell like it's kinda related to what we talked about lately, but it looks more direct and therefore promising. Yes, in fact we keep pushing for it. The repository is here: Yeah, I have great hopes in the GPU miner and positive effects it will create. However, some of the criticism is justified, without investment in the coin infrastructure Primecoin will continue to decline.
Reddit account is 2 days old. Could you eleborate it a bit? It might be a good idea, but I just don't understand how it could do the job. My understanding is that Amazon has some vms with GPUs dedicatedto them. You should be able to rent those VMs and test your software there right?
So if one is waiting for a proof then he could try to test it himself or wait for a feedback from testers that we have invited. Well you could take a screenshot of an SSH session that displays the chains per day alongside the VM's metadata displaying the type of instance you are renting.
Yes, we have investigated the code but unfortunately it was not possible to improve it so we have developed the OpenCL logic from scratch. Yea, the devs working on the reaper version didn't know how to write good parallel code - they basically just wrote a crappy fermat implementation in c I have a x, , a , and a few 's all running amd processors and Ubuntu Haha I thought so. I looked at the source code from RP and though I'm not an expert, it looked somewhat like a mess.
What do you guys think of this? Here is my math: Our miner is times faster than 2x E processors on a signle card. That makes our miner running on a 5 times faster than the miner from jonpry running on GTX Our miner provides 2. Oh man, that sucks! I have a fast parallel fermat test working on my x, and was working on the sieve We started selling the thing if anyone's interested: The client sources are available here: I have some R9 s.
So currently that's not supported? I would have been willing to give it a go. At the moment I have a spare mining rig with x's in it, that I would be willing to test for you with. Its not doing much at the moment otherwise. The Miner consists of 2 parts: The client connects to the server via TCP ports and via very simple interface. The closed-sourced server requires neither internet connection nor other software besides Windows and Catalyst.
So it cannot mine to any other wallet than yours. You can also keep the client on a separate host and easily monitor the traffic between the client and the server. The client is based on popular solo miner primecoin Been mining XPM on my own cluster of a dozen Ivy Bridge datacenter servers while they idle between compile jobs, since I pay a fixed price for power no matter the load I didn't mind keeping them busy.
Not nearly as interested in XPM if it can be GPU mined for obvious reasons, might as well mine Vert in that case, or just put my servers on Folding home and get more meaningful research done if helping to find Cunningham chains is not going to be worth the hassle any more. Why the Miner is not an open source project? The complexity of the work was quite high so we spent a lot of time on the implementation.
I promised I'd open source it and here it is! Congratulations to get the algorythm on the GPU. I get a warning when compiling, can this be ignored?
Ah and now I noticed that libcl 1. Should have read the thread.