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Originally recorded inthis program commemorates the 60th anniversary of the Little Rock Nine. This program will be rebroadcast on Wednesday, Nov. Minnijean Brown Trickey, Part 2 Audio. Welcome to another Long Story Short. Last week, Minnijean Brown Trickey shared stories from her days as one of The Little Rock Nine — the teenagers who, inentered the previously all- White Little Rock Central High School in Arkansas watched by armed soldiers, an angry mob and a worldwide audience.

Today, in Part Two wow ethereum jail or pot our two-part conversation, Minnijean speaks more. When the cameras shut down, our technical crew comprised mostly of college students learning high-definition television production applauded. Then they shook wow ethereum jail or pot hand and hugged her. Now, our studio is quite chilly. But at that moment, you could feel the warmth, the aloha. What are your thoughts about the racial situation here? And Wow ethereum jail or pot worry about sort of platitudes about a given society.

It has great possibility. And I worry about melting. I worry about wow ethereum jail or pot to melt. I think we should be able to work together with our cultural beliefs and world views and ideas.

I think we can still work together. And do we want a melting pot? I have a friend who says, We should be a big, chunky stew. The President, Dwight D. Eisenhower, sent in troops from the U. Army to escort the nine students to school. It was a tumultuous time for our nation and for 16 year-old Minnijean. But as a parent, I found myself wow ethereum jail or pot of your parents.

I mean, it must have been so hard to let you go, and not know whether you were gonna be truly safe. But the bravery—we are given credit for bravery, but the parents were the brave ones because they followed our lead; because they knew that it was important, not just for us, but for the world. After the first day, seeing all the chaos and violence, we all knew this has to be, it must be.

But we were together on that. Are you sure you want to go? You know, and so I guess we used different ways of dealing with difficult situations. I admire those children; I just wow ethereum jail or pot fascinated by them, what they did, how they did it. We were scared every minute. At night, my windows were broken in my bedroom.

My father lost his job; other parents lost their jobs. So the terror never really stopped. It just became a test of wills. And it makes me shake; now. At the time, my defiance was so powerful that it kept me going.

Resistance, I call it. I know there were angry White mobs; I know there were jeers and insults, and worse by your fellow students, White students. Did you get any pushback from other Blacks? But I think there was a great hope. I mean, there were two school systems; one superior, one inferior.

I think any group of people hopes for that change. I mean, we got old books that were so old that so many pages were missing, and they were from forever ago, and they were dog-eared.

And I think young Black kids and families saw the possibility that we would, you know have an equal education, that we would have the same opportunity for education that White kids had. And I think people thought that this will stop. And they were right. I think of your parents. But your parents were dealing on an entirely quantum different level of concern.

The whole idea that—and I think a lot of the Civil Rights movement worked this way. Minnijean Brown was suspended and expelled from Central High. Out of concern for her safety, she was transferred to a school in New York.

She graduated from college and lived for many years in Canada. The events of surely shaped the rest of her life. I got punished for the behavior that they were exhibiting. And it was very unfair. It was, She was a bad girl, she talked back. You know, I should have been perfect.

Except how, maybe how we survive in a difficult situation. But I was a bad girl, because I asked the history teacher, Why is it we only have one paragraph on slavery in this one-thousand-page American history book? And that we were all happy? You gotta be bad sometime. But I asked it all the wow ethereum jail or pot. And I think all of us did that. And so one more little thing that I think is interesting, and I hope you have space for it.

Someone did a doctoral dissertation on the females, gender issues at Little Rock, and talked to a group of White girls, forty years later. And said, We hated that Wow ethereum jail or pot, we hated her; we hated her, we hated her. And he said, Why did you hate her? And they finally concluded, Because she walked the halls of Central High like she belonged there.

You were the object of much racism. I would wonder if it tended to make you want to dismiss and hate Whites. I learned that people can be used for bad purposes, if they allow. I think the mob was incited by the governor, the wow ethereum jail or pot were acting on beliefs that had been part of our American belief system for a very long time. So I also know that as soon as I left Central High School, I forgot all about them, and went into the school that was integrated. It was an amazing, wonderful, hopeful time.

And in that process, we have to work with other people, that not any one group can save the world alone. And I work with everybody, and will hang out with everybody, and will interact with everybody; and have had wonderful opportunities to do so.

It has to be in the elementary schools, it has to be in high schools. How do we get here, and how do we get out?

But I would, yes, drink out of the White wow ethereum jail or pot, or I would sometimes sit in the wrong place on the bus, and promptly get kicked off the bus. The bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama had happened, but people had been doing that all along, because it seemed so ludicrous. What kind of kid were you? Were you fiery and an activist, or did that activism happen later?

I was concerned about things, and I argued with my parents during the Eisenhower-Stevenson election. And I told them, How can you vote for Wow ethereum jail or pot you have to vote for Stevenson.

But at that time in your school, wow ethereum jail or pot you have been voted most likely to …. I was, I was a bookie; I read all the time. I thought I could sing, so I would try to sing every once in a while. What are the emotions you feel as you go by? She is at a visitor center, so all wow ethereum jail or pot of people come in. Young people come in and ask questions. But the governor, who was Mike Huckabee, the President was Bill Clinton, and the mayor opened wow ethereum jail or pot door symbolically to allow for us to come in.

That was very moving. What do you think it is about you that allowed you to get through that as you did, and continue to fight the same battle in other ways, as you moved along? Somebody had to do it. And we just happened to be the ones who did.

And it keeps me—I work with lots of young people; it keeps me knowing what their issues are, it keeps me on the ground, not being in some kind of tower, not knowing what young people are concerned about. And it enriches me.

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