Edi sukarman bitcoin wallet
49 commentsNot bitcoin xt mining
Great things are happening that will change our world as we know it. Lets really examine this line. And make money this time because you get it and won't let opportunity pass by like traffic on the highway. There are ways to get in your own lane and truly own it. I will show you 10 suggestions to invest in and be in a better financial place down the road when you will need it. Power is freedom and security for you, your family and future generations.
I remember vividly in , I was thinking about buying a personal computer. DOS was big then. So I asked a working computer programer friend at the time what they would suggest I buy. Here is what they told me Looking back, I'd like to get my money back. Those great things have evolved and are now starting to become old. In , if I looked you in the eye and said, Invest in these new concepts that will change our world. You say "ok, like what".
You would say " You are crazy Even those things will get old and irrelevant over time. The issue is, the future is now. Technology has evolved at such a rapid rate it sometimes out dates itself before the next guy tweaks the last guy's concept. The rat race continues Investments are being lost in record numbers. Pensions are basically a privilege of the past.
More jobs are of minimal wage or are being slashed while the big corporations rake record dollars in. But even the rich need shelter for their funds. Old school investments such as stock markets, bank promises, oil, currencies, etc, have become a very sour path to riches for many.
No I am not saying these are terrible ways to invest. But it is becoming more and more obvious what is going on in our shrinking Global economy. It's not a home run anymore. These things affect you and I. But amid all the Global insanity and financial challenges we get distracted by every day, there are some very brilliant concepts taking place NOW and there are amazing people behind them.
There is a "shift" going on indeed. I just want to guide you in the right direction, Get you to focus on these 10 incredible ways to invest your money into a safe and secure future I am not an economist, investment pusher or anything like that.
I am a regular guy who has educated himself on what is really happening and where I must look if I want to have a little money down the road. Investing just a tiny bit will bring you big rewards in 5 - 10 years. That is not very long considering. I have researched it all. There are concepts and products to invest in and WILL affect your future the same way as the internet or Smart phones have.
Those concepts are just building blocks to what is to come. Every good thing has an ending". But with a little insight, you can teach yourself what to look for next and try to benefit from it.
These are sure and safe bets. Bitcoin is the King of Cryptocurrencies. Still in it's infancy. Only 21 million BTC will be issued. At today's count there are almost 16 million released. Bitcoin will not end banks and National currencies. But is will be a disruptor on many levels.
Too late to stop it. To hard to control it. It is a decentralized currency. It will be a Global alternative to cash, credit, money transfers, and purchasing worldwide. But it is KING and the rich and powerful know it.
The worlds elite like BTC as a solid part of their investment portfolio. It is here and it has Global traction. This is the future A BTC under It does not favor. It does not discriminate. It does not alter. Will this shake things up The bigger the better at this point in time. Gold is not new nor is it an emerging commodity or invention. The Global standard measure of currency is always based on Gold.
There is only enough Gold to fill 1 large swimming pool. Forget 10, 14, 18 karat Gold in jewelry. It's the 22 Karat Gold you would invest in. If you can afford it When times are bad or tough, Gold value goes up. Gold is possibly one of the safest places to put your money long term. China happens to own the worlds largest share of the Gold pie.
Silver is a very affordable investment. Silver has been over mined and its industrial uses in years to come will skyrocket its value. Yes it is very rare. Platinum is 20 X rarer than Gold mined. Many countries make it illegal to own raw Gold!
You can find it or buy it. Buy some and put it away. Just what our sick planet needs. A real game changer. Elon Musk and crew are doing it the hard way. No a lot of outside help or support. But thats also a good thing. In the name of evolution and the environment. We have found a way to stop burning fuel for transportation. Renewable portable energy, Batteries that will power cars, homes and buildings.
This is the future NOW! What a game changer this is quickly becoming. Invented in the early , this technology has come a long way fast. Oh and how it will play into your future. In we are seeing almost everything imaginable being created by 3-D printers. Now were are seeing cars, even houses being built by this method. Yes a contracting company in China is building homes on the spot via 3-D builders.
Order that pair of shoes In the near future anything will be possible when they perfect using organics, proteins, bio-organic materials and nano-carbon material. The sky is the limit and this WILL impact your life as you know it. There are many companies who are on top of this technology. Investigate, educate and invest.
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