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In the second reggie middleton bitcoin minerals, Max interviews Josh Crumb of Goldmoney. Earlier episodes of Keiser Report:. Dr Cory Annis reggie middleton bitcoin minerals Fake Powers ft.

Dr Cory Annis [e] Never-ending Greek bailout ft. Alasdair Macleod [e] Fed Balancing Sheet ft. Dan Collins [e] Silicon Valley Destruction ft. Dan Collins [e] End of Easy Money? Mike Maloney [e] Russian Connection ft. Reggie Middleton [e] High Rent Blight ft. Tyson Slocum [e] What is Wrong with America?

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About to begin and Mohawk receives a call on his mobile. A grandmother from Brighton calling to ask advice on how to move money without being rinsed by the money transfer co. Mohawk advises elderly lady. Anarcho—libertarian support for the old and distressed by government. Stereotypes are here to be broken. Donate Bitcoin to IamSatoshi at: Had a great night last night at the London meet-up and ended up back at bit towers till 3am althoug I was invited to stay the night.

A big thank you to amir, jonathan and the rest of the gang for their hospitality and look forward to doing it again sometime. Through London, sun and rain, across the bridge, Bit-towers looms ahead, Anarcho-libertarian, underworld cyber currency, or alternatively, the future. Door opens and Mohawk welcomes us in. Upstairs to the meditation room. We set up camera and get to know our hosts. Amir Taaki begins to speak, enthusiasm and imagination dance. Eyes telling of possible futures.

Prophecies of the future or youthful passion, are they mutually exclusive? From dizzy heights we return to earth. Jonathan Harrison talks of markets, gold, silver, financial solvency and libertarianism. The language of the economist or banker almost. He points out, most criticisms are coming from institutions that may well lose heavily if Bitcoin becomes established in the mainstream.

Confidence and pragmatism exist here. This is not an exercise in faith alone. Had a great night last night at the London meet-up and ended up back at bit towers till 3am althoug I was invited to stay the night A big thank you to amir, jonathan and the rest of the gang for their hospitality and look forward to doing it again sometime.

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